p4est 2.8.6
p4est is a software library for parallel adaptive mesh refinement.
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p6est.h File Reference

A hybrid 2D+1D AMR extension. More...

#include <p4est.h>
#include <p8est_connectivity.h>
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Data Structures

struct  p6est_connectivity
 This structure holds the 2D+1D inter-tree connectivity information. More...
struct  p2est_quadrant
 A 1D quadrant datatype: this is used to encode a "layer" of a column in the 2D+1D AMR scheme. More...
union  p2est_quadrant::p6est_quadrant_data
struct  p6est
 The p6est forest datatype. More...


#define P2EST_QUADRANT_INIT(q)    ((void) memset ((q), -1, sizeof (p2est_quadrant_t)))
 set statically allocated quadrant to defined values
#define P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE(q, f, l)
#define P6EST_COLUMN_SET_RANGE(q, f, l)


typedef struct p6est_connectivity p6est_connectivity_t
 This structure holds the 2D+1D inter-tree connectivity information. More...
typedef struct p2est_quadrant p2est_quadrant_t
 A 1D quadrant datatype: this is used to encode a "layer" of a column in the 2D+1D AMR scheme.
typedef struct p6est p6est_t
 The p6est forest datatype.
typedef void(* p6est_init_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column, p2est_quadrant_t *layer)
 Callback function prototype to initialize the layers's user data. More...
typedef void(* p6est_replace_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, int num_outcolumns, int num_outlayers, p4est_quadrant_t *outcolumns[], p2est_quadrant_t *outlayers[], int num_incolumns, int num_inlayers, p4est_quadrant_t *incolumns[], p2est_quadrant_t *inlayers[])
 Callback function prototype to transfer information from outgoing layers to incoming layers. More...
typedef int(* p6est_refine_column_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column)
 Callback function prototype to decide whether to horizontally refine a column, i.e., horizontally refine all of the layers in the column. More...
typedef int(* p6est_refine_layer_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column, p2est_quadrant_t *layer)
 Callback function prototype to decide whether to vertically refine a layer. More...
typedef int(* p6est_coarsen_column_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *columns[])
 Callback function prototype to decide for horizontal coarsening. More...
typedef int(* p6est_coarsen_layer_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column, p2est_quadrant_t *layers[])
 Callback function prototype to decide for vertical coarsening. More...
typedef int(* p6est_weight_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column, p2est_quadrant_t *layer)
 Callback function prototype to calculate weights for partitioning. More...


enum  p6est_comm_tag_t {


p6est_connectivity_tp6est_connectivity_new (p4est_connectivity_t *conn4, double *top_vertices, double height[3])
 Create a p6est_connectivity_t from a p4est_connectivity_t. More...
void p6est_connectivity_destroy (p6est_connectivity_t *conn)
 Destroy a p6est_connectivity structure.
void p6est_tree_get_vertices (p6est_connectivity_t *conn, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, double vertices[24])
 Get the vertices of the corners of a tree. More...
void p6est_qcoord_to_vertex (p6est_connectivity_t *connectivity, p4est_topidx_t treeid, p4est_qcoord_t x, p4est_qcoord_t y, p4est_qcoord_t z, double vxyz[3])
 Transform a quadrant coordinate into the space spanned by tree vertices. More...
p6est_tp6est_new (sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, p6est_connectivity_t *connectivity, size_t data_size, p6est_init_t init_fn, void *user_pointer)
 Create a new forest. More...
p6est_tp6est_new_from_p4est (p4est_t *p4est, double *top_vertices, double height[3], int min_zlevel, size_t data_size, p6est_init_t init_fn, void *user_pointer)
 Create a new forest from an already created p4est that represents columns. More...
void p6est_destroy (p6est_t *p6est)
 Destroy a p6est. More...
p6est_tp6est_copy (p6est_t *input, int copy_data)
 Make a deep copy of a p6est. More...
void p6est_reset_data (p6est_t *p6est, size_t data_size, p6est_init_t init_fn, void *user_pointer)
 Reset user pointer and element data. More...
void p6est_refine_columns (p6est_t *p6est, int refine_recursive, p6est_refine_column_t refine_fn, p6est_init_t init_fn)
 Refine the columns of a sheet. More...
void p6est_refine_layers (p6est_t *p6est, int refine_recursive, p6est_refine_layer_t refine_fn, p6est_init_t init_fn)
 Refine the layers within the columns of a sheet. More...
void p6est_coarsen_columns (p6est_t *p6est, int coarsen_recursive, p6est_coarsen_column_t coarsen_fn, p6est_init_t init_fn)
 Coarsen the columns of a sheet. More...
void p6est_coarsen_layers (p6est_t *p6est, int coarsen_recursive, p6est_coarsen_layer_t coarsen_fn, p6est_init_t init_fn)
 Coarsen the layers of a sheet. More...
void p6est_balance (p6est_t *p6est, p8est_connect_type_t btype, p6est_init_t init_fn)
 Balance a forest. More...
p4est_gloidx_t p6est_partition (p6est_t *p6est, p6est_weight_t weight_fn)
 Equally partition the forest. More...
void p6est_partition_correct (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_locidx_t *num_layers_in_proc)
void p6est_partition_to_p4est_partition (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_locidx_t *num_layers_in_proc, p4est_locidx_t *num_columns_in_proc)
void p4est_partition_to_p6est_partition (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_locidx_t *num_columns_in_proc, p4est_locidx_t *num_layers_in_proc)
p4est_gloidx_t p6est_partition_for_coarsening (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_locidx_t *num_layers_in_proc)
p4est_gloidx_t p6est_partition_given (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_locidx_t *num_layers_in_proc)
unsigned p6est_checksum (p6est_t *p6est)
 Compute the checksum for a forest. More...
void p6est_save (const char *filename, p6est_t *p6est, int save_data)
 Save the complete connectivity/p6est data to disk. More...
p6est_tp6est_load (const char *filename, sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, size_t data_size, int load_data, void *user_pointer, p6est_connectivity_t **connectivity)
 Load the complete connectivity/p6est structure from disk. More...
void p6est_compress_columns (p6est_t *p6est)
void p6est_update_offsets (p6est_t *p6est)



Detailed Description

A hybrid 2D+1D AMR extension.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define P6EST_COLUMN_GET_RANGE (   q,
do { \
*(f) = (size_t) (q)->p.piggy3.local_num; \
*(l) = *(f) + (size_t) (q)->p.piggy3.which_tree; \
} while (0);


#define P6EST_COLUMN_SET_RANGE (   q,
do { \
(q)->p.piggy3.local_num = (p4est_locidx_t) (f); \
(q)->p.piggy3.which_tree = (p4est_topidx_t) ((l) - (f)); \
} while (0);
int32_t p4est_topidx_t
Typedef for counting topological entities (trees, tree vertices).
Definition: p4est_base.h:93
int32_t p4est_locidx_t
Typedef for processor-local indexing of quadrants and nodes.
Definition: p4est_base.h:106

Typedef Documentation

◆ p6est_coarsen_column_t

typedef int(* p6est_coarsen_column_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *columns[])

Callback function prototype to decide for horizontal coarsening.

[in]columnsPointers to 4 sibling columns.
nonzero if the columns shall be replaced with their parent.

◆ p6est_coarsen_layer_t

typedef int(* p6est_coarsen_layer_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column, p2est_quadrant_t *layers[])

Callback function prototype to decide for vertical coarsening.

[in]layersPointers to 2 vertical sibling layers.
nonzero if the layers shall be replaced with their parent.

◆ p6est_connectivity_t

This structure holds the 2D+1D inter-tree connectivity information.

It is essentially a wrapper of the 2D p4est_connecitivity_t datatype, with some additional information about how the third dimension is embedded.

◆ p6est_init_t

typedef void(* p6est_init_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column, p2est_quadrant_t *layer)

Callback function prototype to initialize the layers's user data.

[in]p6estthe forest
[in]which_treethe tree in the forest
[in]columnthe column in the tree in the forest
[in]layerthe layer in the column in the tree in the forest, whose user_data is to be initialized

◆ p6est_refine_column_t

typedef int(* p6est_refine_column_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column)

Callback function prototype to decide whether to horizontally refine a column, i.e., horizontally refine all of the layers in the column.

nonzero if the layer shall be refined.

◆ p6est_refine_layer_t

typedef int(* p6est_refine_layer_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column, p2est_quadrant_t *layer)

Callback function prototype to decide whether to vertically refine a layer.

nonzero if the layer shall be refined.

◆ p6est_replace_t

typedef void(* p6est_replace_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, int num_outcolumns, int num_outlayers, p4est_quadrant_t *outcolumns[], p2est_quadrant_t *outlayers[], int num_incolumns, int num_inlayers, p4est_quadrant_t *incolumns[], p2est_quadrant_t *inlayers[])

Callback function prototype to transfer information from outgoing layers to incoming layers.

This is used by extended routines when the layers of an existing, valid p6est are changed. The callback allows the user to make changes to newly initialized layers before the layers that they replace are destroyed.

[in]num_outcolumnsThe number of columns that contain the outgoing layers: will be either 1 or 4.
[in]num_outlayersThe number of outgoing layers: will be either 1 (a single layer is being refined), 2 (two layers are being vertically coarsened), or 4 (four layers are being horizontally coarsened).
[in]outcolumnsThe columns of the outgoing layers
[in]outlayersThe outgoing layers: after the callback, the user_data, if p6est->data_size is nonzero, will be destroyed.
[in]num_incolumnsThe number of columns that contain the outgoing layers: will be either 1 or 4.
[in]num_inlayersThe number of incoming layers: will be either 1 (coarsening), 2 (vertical refinement), or 4 (horizontal refinement)
[in]incolumnsThe columns of the incoming layers
[in,out]inlayersThe incoming layers: prior to the callback, the user_data, if p6est->data_size is nonzero, is allocated, and the p6est_init_t callback, if it has been provided, will be called.

◆ p6est_weight_t

typedef int(* p6est_weight_t) (p6est_t *p6est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_quadrant_t *column, p2est_quadrant_t *layer)

Callback function prototype to calculate weights for partitioning.

a 32bit integer >= 0 as the quadrant weight.
Global sum of weights must fit into a 64bit integer.

Function Documentation

◆ p6est_balance()

void p6est_balance ( p6est_t p6est,
p8est_connect_type_t  btype,
p6est_init_t  init_fn 

Balance a forest.

[in]p6estThe p6est to be worked on.
[in]btypeBalance type (face, corner or default, full).
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data which is already allocated automatically.

◆ p6est_checksum()

unsigned p6est_checksum ( p6est_t p6est)

Compute the checksum for a forest.

Based on quadrant arrays only. It is independent of partition and mpisize.

Returns the checksum on processor 0 only. 0 on other processors.

◆ p6est_coarsen_columns()

void p6est_coarsen_columns ( p6est_t p6est,
int  coarsen_recursive,
p6est_coarsen_column_t  coarsen_fn,
p6est_init_t  init_fn 

Coarsen the columns of a sheet.

[in,out]p6estThe forest is changed in place.
[in]coarsen_recursiveBoolean to decide on recursive coarsening.
[in]coarsen_fnCallback function that returns true if a family of columns shall be coarsened
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data which is already allocated automatically.

◆ p6est_coarsen_layers()

void p6est_coarsen_layers ( p6est_t p6est,
int  coarsen_recursive,
p6est_coarsen_layer_t  coarsen_fn,
p6est_init_t  init_fn 

Coarsen the layers of a sheet.

[in,out]p6estThe forest is changed in place.
[in]coarsen_recursiveBoolean to decide on recursive coarsening.
[in]coarsen_fnCallback function that returns true if a family of layers shall be coarsened
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data which is already allocated automatically.

◆ p6est_connectivity_new()

p6est_connectivity_t * p6est_connectivity_new ( p4est_connectivity_t conn4,
double *  top_vertices,
double  height[3] 

Create a p6est_connectivity_t from a p4est_connectivity_t.

All fields are copied, so all inputs can be safey destroyed.

[in]conn4the 2D connectivity
[in]top_verticesif NULL, then the sheet has a uniform vertical profile; otherwise, top_vertices gives the vertices of the top of the sheet; should be the same size as conn4->tree_to_vertex
[in]heightif top_vertices == NULL, then this gives the offset from the bottom of the sheet to the top.
the 2D+1D connectivity information.

◆ p6est_copy()

p6est_t * p6est_copy ( p6est_t input,
int  copy_data 

Make a deep copy of a p6est.

The connectivity is not duplicated. Copying of quadrant user data is optional. If old and new data sizes are 0, the user_data field is copied regardless.

[in]copy_dataIf true, data are copied. If false, data_size is set to 0.
Returns a valid p6est that does not depend on the input.

◆ p6est_destroy()

void p6est_destroy ( p6est_t p6est)

Destroy a p6est.

The connectivity structure is not destroyed with the p6est.

◆ p6est_load()

p6est_t * p6est_load ( const char *  filename,
sc_MPI_Comm  mpicomm,
size_t  data_size,
int  load_data,
void *  user_pointer,
p6est_connectivity_t **  connectivity 

Load the complete connectivity/p6est structure from disk.

[in]filenameName of the file to read.
[in]mpicommA valid MPI communicator.
[in]data_sizeSize of data for each quadrant which can be zero. Then user_data_pool is set to NULL. If data_size is zero, load_data is ignored.
[in]load_dataIf true, the element data is loaded. This is only permitted if the saved data size matches. If false, the stored data size is ignored.
[in]user_pointerAssign to the user_pointer member of the p6est before init_fn is called the first time.
[out]connectivityConnectivity must be destroyed separately.
Returns a valid forest structure. A pointer to a valid connectivity structure is returned through the last argument.
Aborts on file errors or invalid file contents.

◆ p6est_new()

p6est_t * p6est_new ( sc_MPI_Comm  mpicomm,
p6est_connectivity_t connectivity,
size_t  data_size,
p6est_init_t  init_fn,
void *  user_pointer 

Create a new forest.

The new forest consists of equi-partitioned root quadrants. When there are more processors than trees, some processors are empty.

[in]mpicommA valid MPI communicator.
[in]connectivityThis is the connectivity information that the forest is built with. Note the p6est does not take ownership of the memory.
[in]data_sizeThis is the size of data for each quadrant which can be zero. Then user_data_pool is set to NULL.
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data which is already allocated automatically.
[in]user_pointerAssign to the user_pointer member of the p6est before init_fn is called the first time.
This returns a valid forest.
The connectivity structure must not be destroyed during the lifetime of this forest.

◆ p6est_new_from_p4est()

p6est_t * p6est_new_from_p4est ( p4est_t p4est,
double *  top_vertices,
double  height[3],
int  min_zlevel,
size_t  data_size,
p6est_init_t  init_fn,
void *  user_pointer 

Create a new forest from an already created p4est that represents columns.

[in]p4estA valid p4est. A deep copy will be created, so this can be destroyed without affectin the new p6est object.
[in]top_verticesthe same as in p6est_conectivity_new()
[in]heightthe same as in p6est_conectivity_new()
[in]min_zlevelthe same as in p6est_new()
[in]data_sizethe same as in p6est_new()
[in]init_fnthe same as in p6est_new()
[in]user_pointerthe same as in p6est_new()
This returns a valid forest. The user must destroy the connectivity for the new p6est independently.
p4est->p.user_data is not retained.

◆ p6est_partition()

p4est_gloidx_t p6est_partition ( p6est_t p6est,
p6est_weight_t  weight_fn 

Equally partition the forest.

The forest will be partitioned between processors where they each have an approximately equal number of quadrants.

Note that p6est->layers and p6est->global_first_layers may change during this call. Address pointers referencing these objects from before p6est_partition is called become invalid.

[in,out]p6estThe forest that will be partitioned.
[in]weight_fnA weighting function or NULL for uniform partitioning.

◆ p6est_qcoord_to_vertex()

void p6est_qcoord_to_vertex ( p6est_connectivity_t connectivity,
p4est_topidx_t  treeid,
p4est_qcoord_t  x,
p4est_qcoord_t  y,
p4est_qcoord_t  z,
double  vxyz[3] 

Transform a quadrant coordinate into the space spanned by tree vertices.

[in]connectivityConnectivity must provide the vertices.
[in]treeidIdentify the tree that contains x, y.
[in]x,yQuadrant coordinates relative to treeid.
[out]vxyTransformed coordinates in vertex space.

◆ p6est_refine_columns()

void p6est_refine_columns ( p6est_t p6est,
int  refine_recursive,
p6est_refine_column_t  refine_fn,
p6est_init_t  init_fn 

Refine the columns of a sheet.

[in,out]p6estThe forest is changed in place.
[in]refine_recursiveBoolean to decide on recursive refinement.
[in]refine_fnCallback function that must return true if a column shall be refined into smaller columns. If refine_recursive is true, refine_fn is called for every existing and newly created column. Otherwise, it is called for every existing column. It is possible that a refinement request made by the callback is ignored. To catch this case, you can examine whether init_fn gets called, or use p6est_refine_columns_ext in p6est_extended.h and examine whether replace_fn gets called.
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data of newly created layers within columns, which are already allocated. This function pointer may be NULL.

◆ p6est_refine_layers()

void p6est_refine_layers ( p6est_t p6est,
int  refine_recursive,
p6est_refine_layer_t  refine_fn,
p6est_init_t  init_fn 

Refine the layers within the columns of a sheet.

[in,out]p6estThe forest is changed in place.
[in]refine_recursiveBoolean to decide on recursive refinement.
[in]refine_fnCallback function that must return true if a layer shall be refined into smaller layers. If refine_recursive is true, refine_fn is called for every existing and newly created layer. Otherwise, it is called for every existing layer. It is possible that a refinement request made by the callback is ignored. To catch this case, you can examine whether init_fn gets called, or use p6est_refine_layers_ext in p6est_extended.h and examine whether replace_fn gets called.
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data of newly created layers, which are already allocated. This function pointer may be NULL.

◆ p6est_reset_data()

void p6est_reset_data ( p6est_t p6est,
size_t  data_size,
p6est_init_t  init_fn,
void *  user_pointer 

Reset user pointer and element data.

When the data size is changed the quadrant data is freed and allocated. The initialization callback is invoked on each quadrant. Old user_data content is disregarded.

[in]data_sizeThis is the size of data for each quadrant which can be zero. Then user_data_pool is set to NULL.
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data which is already allocated automatically.
[in]user_pointerAssign to the user_pointer member of the p6est before init_fn is called the first time.

◆ p6est_save()

void p6est_save ( const char *  filename,
p6est_t p6est,
int  save_data 

Save the complete connectivity/p6est data to disk.

This is a collective

operation that all MPI processes need to call. All processes write into the same file, so the filename given needs to be identical over all parallel invocations.

[in]filenameName of the file to write.
[in]p6estValid forest structure.
[in]save_dataIf true, the element data is saved. Otherwise, a data size of 0 is saved.
Aborts on file errors.

◆ p6est_tree_get_vertices()

void p6est_tree_get_vertices ( p6est_connectivity_t conn,
p4est_topidx_t  which_tree,
double  vertices[24] 

Get the vertices of the corners of a tree.

[in]connthe 2D+1D connectivity structure
[in]which_treea tree in the forest
[out]verticesthe coordinates of the corners of the tree