75#define P8EST_FACES (2 * P8EST_DIM)
79#define P8EST_CHILDREN 8
81#define P8EST_HALF (P8EST_CHILDREN / 2)
88#define P8EST_ONLY_P8_LAND(x) && (x)
91#define P8EST_ONLY_P8_COMMA(x) , (x)
94#define P8EST_DIM_POW(a) ((a) * (a) * (a))
97#define P8EST_FTRANSFORM 9
100#define P8EST_STRING "p8est"
106#define P8EST_ONDISK_FORMAT 0x3000009
359 sc_array_t *neighbor_transform_array);
445 (
int c,
int f,
int nf,
int set);
456 (
int fc,
int f,
int nf,
int o);
467 (
int c,
int f,
int nf,
int o);
478 (
int fe,
int f,
int nf,
int o);
489 (
int e,
int f,
int nf,
int o);
508 (
int c,
int e,
int ne,
int o);
556 const double *vertices,
598 size_t bytes_per_tree);
619 sc_io_sink_t * sink);
806 int iface,
int ftransform[]);
866 int is_current_to_new);
868#ifdef P4EST_WITH_METIS
966p8est_edge_array_index (sc_array_t * array,
size_t it)
969 P4EST_ASSERT (it < array->elem_count);
978p8est_corner_array_index (sc_array_t * array,
size_t it)
981 P4EST_ASSERT (it < array->elem_count);
General support types and functions.
int32_t p4est_qcoord_t
Typedef for quadrant coordinates.
Definition: p4est_base.h:81
int32_t p4est_topidx_t
Typedef for counting topological entities (trees, tree vertices).
Definition: p4est_base.h:93
const int p8est_face_edge_permutation_sets[3][4]
Store the 3 occurring sets of 4 permutations per face.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_drop(void)
Create a connectivity structure for a five-trees geometry with a hole.
void p8est_connectivity_permute(p8est_connectivity_t *conn, sc_array_t *perm, int is_current_to_new)
p8est_connectivity_permute Given a permutation perm of the trees in a connectivity conn,...
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_inflate(sc_array_t *buffer)
Create new connectivity from a memory buffer.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_torus(int nSegments)
Create a connectivity structure that builds a revolution torus.
const int p8est_edge_face_edges[12][6]
Store the face edge numbers 0..3 for the faces touching a tree edge.
void p8est_connectivity_set_attr(p8est_connectivity_t *conn, size_t bytes_per_tree)
Allocate or free the attribute fields in a connectivity.
const int p8est_face_corners[6][4]
Store the corner numbers 0..7 for each tree face.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_copy(p4est_topidx_t num_vertices, p4est_topidx_t num_trees, p4est_topidx_t num_edges, p4est_topidx_t num_corners, const double *vertices, const p4est_topidx_t *ttv, const p4est_topidx_t *ttt, const int8_t *ttf, const p4est_topidx_t *tte, const p4est_topidx_t *eoff, const p4est_topidx_t *ett, const int8_t *ete, const p4est_topidx_t *ttc, const p4est_topidx_t *coff, const p4est_topidx_t *ctt, const int8_t *ctc)
Allocate a connectivity structure and populate from constants.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_bcast(p8est_connectivity_t *conn_in, int root, sc_MPI_Comm comm)
Broadcast a connectivity structure that exists only on one process to all.
const int p8est_face_permutation_sets[3][4]
Store the 3 occurring sets of 4 permutations per face.
void p8est_neighbor_transform_coordinates(const p8est_neighbor_transform_t *nt, const p4est_qcoord_t self_coords[P8EST_DIM], p4est_qcoord_t neigh_coords[P8EST_DIM])
Transform from self's coordinate system to neighbor's coordinate system.
void p8est_neighbor_transform_coordinates_reverse(const p8est_neighbor_transform_t *nt, const p4est_qcoord_t neigh_coords[P8EST_DIM], p4est_qcoord_t self_coords[P8EST_DIM])
Transform from neighbor's coordinate system to self's coordinate system.
const int p8est_face_dual[6]
Store the face numbers in the face neighbor's system.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_rotcubes(void)
Create a connectivity structure that contains a few cubes.
void p8est_connectivity_reorder(sc_MPI_Comm comm, int k, p8est_connectivity_t *conn, p8est_connect_type_t ctype)
Reorder a connectivity using METIS.
void p8est_connectivity_get_neighbor_transforms(p8est_connectivity_t *conn, p4est_topidx_t tree_id, p8est_connect_type_t boundary_type, int boundary_index, sc_array_t *neighbor_transform_array)
Fill an array with the neighbor transforms based on a specific boundary type.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_load(const char *filename, size_t *bytes)
Load a connectivity structure from disk.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new(p4est_topidx_t num_vertices, p4est_topidx_t num_trees, p4est_topidx_t num_edges, p4est_topidx_t num_ett, p4est_topidx_t num_corners, p4est_topidx_t num_ctt)
Allocate a connectivity structure.
p4est_topidx_t p8est_find_face_transform(p8est_connectivity_t *connectivity, p4est_topidx_t itree, int iface, int ftransform[])
Fill an array with the axis combination of a face neighbor transform.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_brick(int m, int n, int p, int periodic_a, int periodic_b, int periodic_c)
An m by n by p array with periodicity in x, y, and z if periodic_a, periodic_b, and periodic_c are tr...
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_twowrap(void)
Create a connectivity structure that contains two cubes where the two far ends are identified periodi...
int p8est_connectivity_edge_neighbor_corner(int c, int e, int ne, int o)
Transform a corner across one of the adjacent edges into a neighbor tree.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_unitcube(void)
Create a connectivity structure for the unit cube.
const int p8est_corner_faces[8][3]
Store the face numbers 0..5 for each tree corner.
const int p8est_face_edges[6][4]
Store the edge numbers 0..12 for each tree face.
int p8est_connectivity_is_equal(p8est_connectivity_t *conn1, p8est_connectivity_t *conn2)
Check two connectivity structures for equality.
int p8est_connect_type_int(p8est_connect_type_t btype)
Convert the p8est_connect_type_t into a number.
size_t p8est_connectivity_memory_used(p8est_connectivity_t *conn)
Calculate memory usage of a connectivity structure.
void p8est_find_corner_transform(p8est_connectivity_t *connectivity, p4est_topidx_t itree, int icorner, p8est_corner_info_t *ci)
Fills an array with information about corner neighbors.
int p8est_connectivity_face_neighbor_corner(int c, int f, int nf, int o)
Transform a corner across one of the adjacent faces into a neighbor tree.
#define P8EST_DIM
The spatial dimension.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:70
const int p8est_edge_corners[12][2]
Store the corner numbers 0..8 for each tree edge.
const int p8est_edge_edge_corners[12][8]
Store the edge corner numbers 0..1 for the corners touching a tree edge or -1 if combination is inval...
int p8est_connectivity_read_inp_stream(FILE *stream, p4est_topidx_t *num_vertices, p4est_topidx_t *num_trees, double *vertices, p4est_topidx_t *tree_to_vertex)
Read an ABAQUS input file from a file stream.
const int p8est_child_edge_faces[8][12]
Store the faces for each child and edge, can be -1.
void p8est_expand_face_transform(int iface, int nface, int ftransform[])
Fill an array with the axis combination of a face neighbor transform.
void p8est_connectivity_destroy(p8est_connectivity_t *connectivity)
Destroy a connectivity structure.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_shell(void)
Create a connectivity structure that builds a spherical shell.
const int p8est_child_corner_faces[8][8]
Store the faces for each child and corner, can be -1.
const int p8est_corner_face_corners[8][6]
Store the face corner numbers for the faces touching a tree corner.
const int p8est_corner_edges[8][3]
Store the edge numbers 0..11 for each tree corner.
void p8est_connectivity_join_faces(p8est_connectivity_t *conn, p4est_topidx_t tree_left, p4est_topidx_t tree_right, int face_left, int face_right, int orientation)
p8est_connectivity_join_faces This function takes an existing valid connectivity conn and modifies it...
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_sphere(void)
Create a connectivity structure that builds a solid sphere.
int p8est_connectivity_face_neighbor_face_edge(int fe, int f, int nf, int o)
Transform a face-edge across one of the adjacent faces into a neighbor tree.
void p8est_connectivity_reduce(p8est_connectivity_t *conn)
Removes corner and edge information of a connectivity such that enough information is left to run p8e...
const int p8est_child_corner_edges[8][8]
Store the edges for each child and corner, can be -1.
sc_array_t * p8est_connectivity_deflate(p8est_connectivity_t *conn, p8est_connectivity_encode_t code)
Allocate memory and store the connectivity information there.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_byname(const char *name)
Create connectivity structure from predefined catalogue.
Characterize a type of adjacency.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:119
Balance faces, edges, corners.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:125
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:126
= CORNER - 1.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:124
No balance whatsoever.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:121
Balance across faces only.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:122
Balance across faces and edges.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:123
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_twocubes(void)
Create a connectivity structure that contains two cubes.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_source(sc_io_source_t *source)
Read connectivity from a source object.
int p8est_connectivity_is_equivalent(p8est_connectivity_t *conn1, p8est_connectivity_t *conn2)
p8est_connectivity_is_equivalent This function compares two connectivities for equivalence: it return...
const int p8est_edge_faces[12][2]
Store the face numbers 0..5 adjacent to each tree edge.
const int p8est_face_permutations[8][4]
Store only the 8 out of 24 possible permutations that occur.
sc_array_t * p8est_connectivity_reorder_newid(sc_MPI_Comm comm, int k, p8est_connectivity_t *conn, p8est_connect_type_t ctype, sc_array_t *newid)
Reorder a connectivity using METIS.
const int p8est_face_edge_permutations[8][4]
Store only the 8 out of 24 possible permutations that occur.
void p8est_connectivity_complete(p8est_connectivity_t *conn)
Internally connect a connectivity based on tree_to_vertex information.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_periodic(void)
Create a connectivity structure for an all-periodic unit cube.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_rotwrap(void)
Create a connectivity structure for a mostly periodic unit cube.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_new_twotrees(int l_face, int r_face, int orientation)
Create a connectivity structure for two trees being rotated w.r.t.
const char * p8est_connect_type_string(p8est_connect_type_t btype)
Convert the p8est_connect_type_t into a const string.
const int p8est_edge_face_corners[12][6][2]
Store the face corner numbers 0..3 for the faces touching a tree edge.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_refine(p8est_connectivity_t *conn, int num_per_dim)
Uniformly refine a connectivity.
int p8est_connectivity_face_neighbor_corner_set(int c, int f, int nf, int set)
Transform a corner across one of the adjacent faces into a neighbor tree.
int p8est_connectivity_is_valid(p8est_connectivity_t *connectivity)
Examine a connectivity structure.
int p8est_connectivity_face_neighbor_edge(int e, int f, int nf, int o)
Transform an edge across one of the adjacent faces into a neighbor tree.
int p8est_connectivity_sink(p8est_connectivity_t *conn, sc_io_sink_t *sink)
Write connectivity to a sink object.
struct p8est_connectivity p8est_connectivity_t
This structure holds the 3D inter-tree connectivity information.
Typedef for serialization method.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:136
Invalid entry to close the list.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:138
int p8est_connectivity_face_neighbor_face_corner(int fc, int f, int nf, int o)
Transform a face corner across one of the adjacent faces into a neighbor tree.
void p8est_find_edge_transform(p8est_connectivity_t *connectivity, p4est_topidx_t itree, int iedge, p8est_edge_info_t *ei)
Fills an array with information about edge neighbors.
const int p8est_face_permutation_refs[6][6]
For each face combination store the permutation set.
const int p8est_corner_edge_corners[8][12]
Store the edge corner numbers for the edges touching a tree corner.
p8est_connectivity_t * p8est_connectivity_read_inp(const char *filename)
Create a p4est connectivity from an ABAQUS input file.
int p8est_connectivity_edge_neighbor_edge_corner(int ec, int o)
Transform an edge corner across one of the adjacent edges into a neighbor tree.
int p8est_connectivity_save(const char *filename, p8est_connectivity_t *connectivity)
Save a connectivity structure to disk.
This structure holds the 3D inter-tree connectivity information.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:215
double * vertices
an array of size (3 * num_vertices)
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:225
p4est_topidx_t num_corners
the number of corners that help define the topology
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:222
p4est_topidx_t * tree_to_vertex
embed each tree into for e.g.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:227
int8_t * corner_to_corner
list of tree-corners that meet at a corner
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:250
int8_t * edge_to_edge
list of tree-edges+orientations that meet at an edge (see description)
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:243
p4est_topidx_t * tree_to_corner
(8 * num_trees) or NULL (see description)
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:245
p4est_topidx_t * tree_to_edge
(12 * num_trees) or NULL (see description)
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:238
char * tree_to_attr
not touched by p4est
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:232
p4est_topidx_t * edge_to_tree
list of trees that meet at an edge
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:242
p4est_topidx_t * ett_offset
edge to offset in edge_to_tree and edge_to_edge
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:240
p4est_topidx_t num_vertices
the number of vertices that define the embedding of the forest (not the topology)
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:216
size_t tree_attr_bytes
bytes per tree in tree_to_attr
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:231
p4est_topidx_t * corner_to_tree
list of trees that meet at a corner
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:249
p4est_topidx_t * ctt_offset
corner to offset in corner_to_tree and corner_to_corner
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:247
int8_t * tree_to_face
(6 * num_trees) face to face+orientation (see description)
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:236
p4est_topidx_t num_edges
the number of edges that help define the topology
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:220
p4est_topidx_t * tree_to_tree
(6 * num_trees) neighbors across faces
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:234
p4est_topidx_t num_trees
the number of trees
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:219
Information about the neighbors of a corner.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:292
p4est_topidx_t icorner
The number of the originating corner.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:293
sc_array_t corner_transforms
The array of neighbors of the originating corner.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:294
Information about the neighbors of an edge.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:275
int8_t iedge
The information of the edge.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:276
sc_array_t edge_transforms
The array of neighbors of the originating edge.
Definition: p8est_connectivity.h:277