p4est 2.8.6
p4est is a software library for parallel adaptive mesh refinement.
The connectivity defines the coarse topology of the forest. More...
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | p4est_connectivity |
This structure holds the 2D inter-tree connectivity information. More... | |
struct | p4est_corner_transform_t |
Generic interface for transformations between a tree and any of its corner. More... | |
struct | p4est_corner_info_t |
Information about the neighbors of a corner. More... | |
struct | p4est_neighbor_transform_t |
Generic interface for transformations between a tree and any of its neighbors. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | P4EST_DIM 2 |
The spatial dimension. | |
#define | P4EST_FACES (2 * P4EST_DIM) |
The number of faces of a quadrant. | |
#define | P4EST_CHILDREN 4 |
The number of children of a quadrant, also the number of corners. | |
#define | P4EST_HALF (P4EST_CHILDREN / 2) |
The number of children/corners touching one face. | |
#define | P4EST_INSUL 9 |
The size of insulation layer. | |
#define | P4EST_ONLY_P8_LAND(x) |
Only use logical AND term in 3D. | |
#define | P4EST_ONLY_P8_COMMA(x) |
Only use comma and expression in 3D. | |
#define | P4EST_DIM_POW(a) ((a) * (a)) |
Exponentiate with dimension. | |
#define | P4EST_FTRANSFORM 9 |
Data size of face transformation encoding. | |
#define | P4EST_STRING "p4est" |
p4est identification string | |
#define | P4EST_ONDISK_FORMAT 0x2000009 |
The revision number of the p4est ondisk file format. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct p4est_connectivity | p4est_connectivity_t |
This structure holds the 2D inter-tree connectivity information. More... | |
Enumerations | |
Characterize a type of adjacency. More... | |
enum | p4est_connectivity_encode_t { P4EST_CONN_ENCODE_NONE = SC_IO_ENCODE_NONE , P4EST_CONN_ENCODE_LAST } |
Typedef for serialization method. More... | |
Functions | |
int | p4est_connect_type_int (p4est_connect_type_t btype) |
Convert the p4est_connect_type_t into a number. More... | |
const char * | p4est_connect_type_string (p4est_connect_type_t btype) |
Convert the p4est_connect_type_t into a const string. More... | |
size_t | p4est_connectivity_memory_used (p4est_connectivity_t *conn) |
Calculate memory usage of a connectivity structure. More... | |
void | p4est_neighbor_transform_coordinates (const p4est_neighbor_transform_t *nt, const p4est_qcoord_t self_coords[P4EST_DIM], p4est_qcoord_t neigh_coords[P4EST_DIM]) |
Transform from self's coordinate system to neighbor's coordinate system. More... | |
void | p4est_neighbor_transform_coordinates_reverse (const p4est_neighbor_transform_t *nt, const p4est_qcoord_t neigh_coords[P4EST_DIM], p4est_qcoord_t self_coords[P4EST_DIM]) |
Transform from neighbor's coordinate system to self's coordinate system. More... | |
void | p4est_connectivity_get_neighbor_transforms (p4est_connectivity_t *conn, p4est_topidx_t tree_id, p4est_connect_type_t boundary_type, int boundary_index, sc_array_t *neighbor_transform_array) |
Fill an array with the neighbor transforms based on a specific boundary type. More... | |
int | p4est_connectivity_face_neighbor_face_corner (int fc, int f, int nf, int o) |
Transform a face corner across one of the adjacent faces into a neighbor tree. More... | |
int | p4est_connectivity_face_neighbor_corner (int c, int f, int nf, int o) |
Transform a corner across one of the adjacent faces into a neighbor tree. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new (p4est_topidx_t num_vertices, p4est_topidx_t num_trees, p4est_topidx_t num_corners, p4est_topidx_t num_ctt) |
Allocate a connectivity structure. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_copy (p4est_topidx_t num_vertices, p4est_topidx_t num_trees, p4est_topidx_t num_corners, const double *vertices, const p4est_topidx_t *ttv, const p4est_topidx_t *ttt, const int8_t *ttf, const p4est_topidx_t *ttc, const p4est_topidx_t *coff, const p4est_topidx_t *ctt, const int8_t *ctc) |
Allocate a connectivity structure and populate from constants. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_bcast (p4est_connectivity_t *conn_in, int root, sc_MPI_Comm comm) |
Broadcast a connectivity structure that exists only on one process to all. More... | |
void | p4est_connectivity_destroy (p4est_connectivity_t *connectivity) |
Destroy a connectivity structure. More... | |
void | p4est_connectivity_set_attr (p4est_connectivity_t *conn, size_t bytes_per_tree) |
Allocate or free the attribute fields in a connectivity. More... | |
int | p4est_connectivity_is_valid (p4est_connectivity_t *connectivity) |
Examine a connectivity structure. More... | |
int | p4est_connectivity_is_equal (p4est_connectivity_t *conn1, p4est_connectivity_t *conn2) |
Check two connectivity structures for equality. More... | |
int | p4est_connectivity_sink (p4est_connectivity_t *conn, sc_io_sink_t *sink) |
Write connectivity to a sink object. More... | |
sc_array_t * | p4est_connectivity_deflate (p4est_connectivity_t *conn, p4est_connectivity_encode_t code) |
Allocate memory and store the connectivity information there. More... | |
int | p4est_connectivity_save (const char *filename, p4est_connectivity_t *connectivity) |
Save a connectivity structure to disk. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_source (sc_io_source_t *source) |
Read connectivity from a source object. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_inflate (sc_array_t *buffer) |
Create new connectivity from a memory buffer. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_load (const char *filename, size_t *bytes) |
Load a connectivity structure from disk. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_unitsquare (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for the unit square. | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_periodic (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for an all-periodic unit square. | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_rotwrap (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for a periodic unit square. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_circle (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for an donut-like circle. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_drop (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for a five-trees geometry with a hole. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_twotrees (int l_face, int r_face, int orientation) |
Create a connectivity structure for two trees being rotated w.r.t. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_corner (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for a three-tree mesh around a corner. | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_pillow (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for two trees on top of each other. | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_moebius (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for a five-tree moebius band. | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_star (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for a six-tree star. | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_cubed (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for the six sides of a unit cube. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_disk_nonperiodic (void) |
Create a connectivity structure for a five-tree flat spherical disk. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_disk (int periodic_a, int periodic_b) |
Create a connectivity structure for a five-tree flat spherical disk. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_icosahedron (void) |
Create a connectivity for mapping the sphere using an icosahedron. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_shell2d (void) |
Create a connectivity structure that builds a 2d spherical shell. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_disk2d (void) |
Create a connectivity structure that maps a 2d disk. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_bowtie (void) |
Create a connectivity structure that maps a 2d bowtie structure. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_brick (int mi, int ni, int periodic_a, int periodic_b) |
A rectangular m by n array of trees with configurable periodicity. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_new_byname (const char *name) |
Create connectivity structure from predefined catalogue. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_refine (p4est_connectivity_t *conn, int num_per_dim) |
Uniformly refine a connectivity. More... | |
void | p4est_expand_face_transform (int iface, int nface, int ftransform[]) |
Fill an array with the axis combination of a face neighbor transform. More... | |
p4est_topidx_t | p4est_find_face_transform (p4est_connectivity_t *connectivity, p4est_topidx_t itree, int iface, int ftransform[]) |
Fill an array with the axis combinations of a tree neighbor transform. More... | |
void | p4est_find_corner_transform (p4est_connectivity_t *connectivity, p4est_topidx_t itree, int icorner, p4est_corner_info_t *ci) |
Fills an array with information about corner neighbors. More... | |
void | p4est_connectivity_complete (p4est_connectivity_t *conn) |
Internally connect a connectivity based on tree_to_vertex information. More... | |
void | p4est_connectivity_reduce (p4est_connectivity_t *conn) |
Removes corner information of a connectivity such that enough information is left to run p4est_connectivity_complete successfully. More... | |
void | p4est_connectivity_permute (p4est_connectivity_t *conn, sc_array_t *perm, int is_current_to_new) |
p4est_connectivity_permute Given a permutation perm of the trees in a connectivity conn, permute the trees of conn in place and update conn to match. More... | |
void | p4est_connectivity_reorder (sc_MPI_Comm comm, int k, p4est_connectivity_t *conn, p4est_connect_type_t ctype) |
Reorder a connectivity using METIS. More... | |
sc_array_t * | p4est_connectivity_reorder_newid (sc_MPI_Comm comm, int k, p4est_connectivity_t *conn, p4est_connect_type_t ctype, sc_array_t *newid) |
Reorder a connectivity using METIS. More... | |
void | p4est_connectivity_join_faces (p4est_connectivity_t *conn, p4est_topidx_t tree_left, p4est_topidx_t tree_right, int face_left, int face_right, int orientation) |
p4est_connectivity_join_faces This function takes an existing valid connectivity conn and modifies it by joining two tree faces that are currently boundary faces. More... | |
int | p4est_connectivity_is_equivalent (p4est_connectivity_t *conn1, p4est_connectivity_t *conn2) |
p4est_connectivity_is_equivalent This function compares two connectivities for equivalence: it returns true if they are the same connectivity, or if they have the same topology. More... | |
int | p4est_connectivity_read_inp_stream (FILE *stream, p4est_topidx_t *num_vertices, p4est_topidx_t *num_trees, double *vertices, p4est_topidx_t *tree_to_vertex) |
Read an ABAQUS input file from a file stream. More... | |
p4est_connectivity_t * | p4est_connectivity_read_inp (const char *filename) |
Create a p4est connectivity from an ABAQUS input file. More... | |
The connectivity defines the coarse topology of the forest.
A 2D forest consists of one or more quadtrees, each of which a logical square. Each tree has a local coordinate system, which defines the origin and the direction of its x- and y-axes as well as the numbering of its faces and corners. Each tree may connect to any other tree (including itself) across any of its faces and/or corners, where the neighbor may be arbitrarily rotated and/or flipped. The p4est_connectivity data structure stores these connections.
We impose the following requirement for consistency of p4est_balance :
We provide various predefined connectivitys by dedicated constructors, such as
#define P4EST_ONDISK_FORMAT 0x2000009 |
The revision number of the p4est ondisk file format.
Increase this number whenever the on-disk format for p4est_connectivity, p4est, or any other 2D data structure changes. The format for reading and writing must be the same.
typedef struct p4est_connectivity p4est_connectivity_t |
This structure holds the 2D inter-tree connectivity information.
Identification of arbitrary faces and corners is possible.
The arrays tree_to_* are stored in z ordering. For corners the order wrt. yx is 00 01 10 11. For faces the order is given by the normal directions -x +x -y +y. Each face has a natural direction by increasing face corner number. Face connections are allocated [0][0]..[0][3]..[num_trees-1][0]..[num_trees-1][3]. If a face is on the physical boundary it must connect to itself.
The values for tree_to_face are 0..7 where ttf % 4 gives the face number and ttf / 4 the face orientation code. The orientation is 0 for faces that are mutually direction-aligned and 1 for faces that are running in opposite directions.
It is valid to specify num_vertices as 0. In this case vertices and tree_to_vertex are set to NULL. Otherwise the vertex coordinates are stored in the array vertices as [0][0]..[0][2]..[num_vertices-1][0]..[num_vertices-1][2]. Vertex coordinates are optional and not used for inferring topology.
The corners are stored when they connect trees that are not already face neighbors at that specific corner. In this case tree_to_corner indexes into ctt_offset. Otherwise the tree_to_corner entry must be -1 and this corner is ignored. If num_corners == 0, tree_to_corner and corner_to_* arrays are set to NULL.
The arrays corner_to_* store a variable number of entries per corner. For corner c these are at position [ctt_offset[c]]..[ctt_offset[c+1]-1]. Their number for corner c is ctt_offset[c+1] - ctt_offset[c]. The entries encode all trees adjacent to corner c. The size of the corner_to_* arrays is num_ctt = ctt_offset[num_corners].
The *_to_attr arrays may have arbitrary contents defined by the user. We do not interpret them.
enum p4est_connect_type_t |
Characterize a type of adjacency.
Several functions involve relationships between neighboring trees and/or quadrants, and their behavior depends on how one defines adjacency: 1) entities are adjacent if they share a face, or 2) entities are adjacent if they share a face or corner. p4est_connect_type_t is used to choose the desired behavior. This enum must fit into an int8_t.
int p4est_connect_type_int | ( | p4est_connect_type_t | btype | ) |
Convert the p4est_connect_type_t into a number.
[in] | btype | The balance type to convert. |
const char * p4est_connect_type_string | ( | p4est_connect_type_t | btype | ) |
Convert the p4est_connect_type_t into a const string.
[in] | btype | The balance type to convert. |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_bcast | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn_in, |
int | root, | ||
sc_MPI_Comm | comm | ||
) |
Broadcast a connectivity structure that exists only on one process to all.
On the other processors, it will be allocated using p4est_connectivity_new.
[in] | conn_in | For the root process the connectivity to be broadcast, for the other processes it must be NULL. |
[in] | root | The rank of the process that provides the connectivity. |
[in] | comm | The MPI communicator. |
void p4est_connectivity_complete | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn | ) |
Internally connect a connectivity based on tree_to_vertex information.
Periodicity that is not inherent in the list of vertices will be lost.
[in,out] | conn | The connectivity needs to have proper vertices and tree_to_vertex fields. The tree_to_tree and tree_to_face fields must be allocated and satisfy p4est_connectivity_is_valid (conn) but will be overwritten. The corner fields will be freed and allocated anew. |
sc_array_t * p4est_connectivity_deflate | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn, |
p4est_connectivity_encode_t | code | ||
) |
Allocate memory and store the connectivity information there.
[in] | conn | The connectivity structure to be exported to memory. |
[in] | code | Encoding and compression method for serialization. |
void p4est_connectivity_destroy | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | connectivity | ) |
Destroy a connectivity structure.
Also destroy all attributes.
int p4est_connectivity_face_neighbor_corner | ( | int | c, |
int | f, | ||
int | nf, | ||
int | o | ||
) |
Transform a corner across one of the adjacent faces into a neighbor tree.
This version expects the neighbor face and orientation separately.
[in] | c | A corner number in 0..3. |
[in] | f | A face number that touches the corner c. |
[in] | nf | A neighbor face that is on the other side of f. |
[in] | o | The orientation between tree boundary faces f and nf. |
int p4est_connectivity_face_neighbor_face_corner | ( | int | fc, |
int | f, | ||
int | nf, | ||
int | o | ||
) |
Transform a face corner across one of the adjacent faces into a neighbor tree.
This version expects the neighbor face and orientation separately.
[in] | fc | A face corner number in 0..1. |
[in] | f | A face that the face corner number fc is relative to. |
[in] | nf | A neighbor face that is on the other side of f. |
[in] | o | The orientation between tree boundary faces f and nf. |
void p4est_connectivity_get_neighbor_transforms | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn, |
p4est_topidx_t | tree_id, | ||
p4est_connect_type_t | boundary_type, | ||
int | boundary_index, | ||
sc_array_t * | neighbor_transform_array | ||
) |
Fill an array with the neighbor transforms based on a specific boundary type.
This function generalizes all other inter-tree transformation objects
[in] | conn | Connectivity structure. |
[in] | tree_id | The number of the tree. |
[in] | boundary_type | The type of the boundary connection (self, face, corner). |
[in] | boundary_index | The index of the boundary. |
[in,out] | neighbor_transform_array | Array of the neighbor transforms. |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_inflate | ( | sc_array_t * | buffer | ) |
Create new connectivity from a memory buffer.
This function aborts on malloc errors.
[in] | buffer | The connectivity is created from this memory buffer. |
int p4est_connectivity_is_equal | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn1, |
p4est_connectivity_t * | conn2 | ||
) |
Check two connectivity structures for equality.
int p4est_connectivity_is_equivalent | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn1, |
p4est_connectivity_t * | conn2 | ||
) |
p4est_connectivity_is_equivalent This function compares two connectivities for equivalence: it returns true if they are the same connectivity, or if they have the same topology.
The definition of topological sameness is strict: there is no attempt made to determine whether permutation and/or rotation of the trees makes the connectivities equivalent.
[in] | conn1 | a valid connectivity |
[out] | conn2 | a valid connectivity |
int p4est_connectivity_is_valid | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | connectivity | ) |
Examine a connectivity structure.
void p4est_connectivity_join_faces | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn, |
p4est_topidx_t | tree_left, | ||
p4est_topidx_t | tree_right, | ||
int | face_left, | ||
int | face_right, | ||
int | orientation | ||
) |
p4est_connectivity_join_faces This function takes an existing valid connectivity conn and modifies it by joining two tree faces that are currently boundary faces.
[in,out] | conn | connectivity that will be altered. |
[in] | tree_left | tree that will be on the left side of the joined faces. |
[in] | tree_right | tree that will be on the right side of the joined faces. |
[in] | face_left | face of tree_left that will be joined. |
[in] | face_right | face of tree_right that will be joined. |
[in] | orientation | the orientation of face_left and face_right once joined (see the description of p4est_connectivity_t to understand orientation). |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_load | ( | const char * | filename, |
size_t * | bytes | ||
) |
Load a connectivity structure from disk.
[in] | filename | Name of the file to read. |
[in,out] | bytes | Size in bytes of connectivity on disk or NULL. |
size_t p4est_connectivity_memory_used | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn | ) |
Calculate memory usage of a connectivity structure.
[in] | conn | Connectivity structure. |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new | ( | p4est_topidx_t | num_vertices, |
p4est_topidx_t | num_trees, | ||
p4est_topidx_t | num_corners, | ||
p4est_topidx_t | num_ctt | ||
) |
Allocate a connectivity structure.
The attribute fields are initialized to NULL.
[in] | num_vertices | Number of total vertices (i.e. geometric points). |
[in] | num_trees | Number of trees in the forest. |
[in] | num_corners | Number of tree-connecting corners. |
[in] | num_ctt | Number of total trees in corner_to_tree array. |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_bowtie | ( | void | ) |
Create a connectivity structure that maps a 2d bowtie structure.
The 2 trees are connected by a corner connection at node A3 (0, 0). the nodes are given as:
A00 A01 / \ / \ A02 A03 A04 \ / \ / A05 A06
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_brick | ( | int | mi, |
int | ni, | ||
int | periodic_a, | ||
int | periodic_b | ||
) |
A rectangular m by n array of trees with configurable periodicity.
The brick is periodic in x and y if periodic_a and periodic_b are true, respectively.
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_byname | ( | const char * | name | ) |
Create connectivity structure from predefined catalogue.
[in] | name | Invokes connectivity_new_* function. brick23 brick (2, 3, 0, 0) corner corner cubed cubed disk disk moebius moebius periodic periodic pillow pillow rotwrap rotwrap star star unit unitsquare |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_circle | ( | void | ) |
Create a connectivity structure for an donut-like circle.
The circle consists of 6 trees connecting each other by their faces. The trees are laid out as a hexagon between [-2, 2] in the y direction and [-sqrt(3), sqrt(3)] in the x direction. The hexagon has flat sides along the y direction and pointy ends in x.
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_copy | ( | p4est_topidx_t | num_vertices, |
p4est_topidx_t | num_trees, | ||
p4est_topidx_t | num_corners, | ||
const double * | vertices, | ||
const p4est_topidx_t * | ttv, | ||
const p4est_topidx_t * | ttt, | ||
const int8_t * | ttf, | ||
const p4est_topidx_t * | ttc, | ||
const p4est_topidx_t * | coff, | ||
const p4est_topidx_t * | ctt, | ||
const int8_t * | ctc | ||
) |
Allocate a connectivity structure and populate from constants.
The attribute fields are initialized to NULL.
[in] | num_vertices | Number of total vertices (i.e. geometric points). |
[in] | num_trees | Number of trees in the forest. |
[in] | num_corners | Number of tree-connecting corners. |
[in] | vertices | Coordinates of the vertices of the trees. |
[in] | ttv | The tree-to-vertex array. |
[in] | ttt | The tree-to-tree array. |
[in] | ttf | The tree-to-face array (int8_t). |
[in] | ttc | The tree-to-corner array. |
[in] | coff | Corner-to-tree offsets (num_corners + 1 values). This must always be non-NULL; in trivial cases it is just a pointer to a p4est_topix value of 0. |
[in] | ctt | The corner-to-tree array. |
[in] | ctc | The corner-to-corner array. |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_cubed | ( | void | ) |
Create a connectivity structure for the six sides of a unit cube.
The ordering of the trees is as follows:
0 1 2 3 <-- 3: axis-aligned top side 4 5
This choice has been made for maximum symmetry (see tree_to_* in .c file).
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_disk | ( | int | periodic_a, |
int | periodic_b | ||
) |
Create a connectivity structure for a five-tree flat spherical disk.
This disk can just as well be used as a square to test non-Cartesian maps. Without any mapping this connectivity covers the square [-3, 3]**2.
The ordering of the trees is as follows:
4 1 2 3 0
The outside x faces may be identified topologically. The outside y faces may be identified topologically. Both identifications may be specified simultaneously. The general shape and periodicity are the same as those obtained with p4est_connectivity_new_brick (1, 1, periodic_a, periodic_b).
When setting periodic_a and periodic_b to false, the result is the same as that of p4est_connectivity_new_disk_nonperiodic.
[in] | periodic_a | Bool to make disk periodic in x direction. |
[in] | periodic_b | Bool to make disk periodic in y direction. |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_disk2d | ( | void | ) |
Create a connectivity structure that maps a 2d disk.
This is a 5 trees connectivity meant to be used together with p4est_geometry_new_disk2d to map the disk.
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_disk_nonperiodic | ( | void | ) |
Create a connectivity structure for a five-tree flat spherical disk.
This disk can just as well be used as a square to test non-Cartesian maps. Without any mapping this connectivity covers the square [-3, 3]**2.
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_drop | ( | void | ) |
Create a connectivity structure for a five-trees geometry with a hole.
The geometry covers the square [0, 3]**2, where the hole is [1, 2]**2.
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_icosahedron | ( | void | ) |
Create a connectivity for mapping the sphere using an icosahedron.
The regular icosadron is a polyhedron with 20 faces, each of which is an equilateral triangle. To build the p4est connectivity, we group faces 2 by 2 to from 10 quadrangles, and thus 10 trees.
This connectivity is meant to be used together with p4est_geometry_new_icosahedron to map the sphere.
The flat connectivity looks like that. Vextex numbering:
A00 A01 A02 A03 A04 / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ A05---A06---A07---A08---A09---A10 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ A11---A12---A13---A14---A15---A16 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / A17 A18 A19 A20 A21
Origin in A05.
Tree numbering:
0 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_rotwrap | ( | void | ) |
Create a connectivity structure for a periodic unit square.
The left and right faces are identified, and bottom and top opposite.
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_shell2d | ( | void | ) |
Create a connectivity structure that builds a 2d spherical shell.
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_new_twotrees | ( | int | l_face, |
int | r_face, | ||
int | orientation | ||
) |
Create a connectivity structure for two trees being rotated w.r.t.
each other in a user-defined way
[in] | l_face | index of left face |
[in] | r_face | index of right face |
[in] | orientation | orientation of trees w.r.t. each other |
void p4est_connectivity_permute | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn, |
sc_array_t * | perm, | ||
int | is_current_to_new | ||
) |
p4est_connectivity_permute Given a permutation perm of the trees in a connectivity conn, permute the trees of conn in place and update conn to match.
[in,out] | conn | The connectivity whose trees are permuted. |
[in] | perm | A permutation array, whose elements are size_t's. |
[in] | is_current_to_new | if true, the jth entry of perm is the new index for the entry whose current index is j, otherwise the jth entry of perm is the current index of the tree whose index will be j after the permutation. |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_read_inp | ( | const char * | filename | ) |
Create a p4est connectivity from an ABAQUS input file.
This utility function reads a basic ABAQUS file supporting element type with the prefix C2D4, CPS4, and S4 in 2D and of type C3D8 reading them as bilinear quadrilateral and trilinear hexahedral trees respectively.
A basic 2D mesh is given below. The *Node
section gives the vertex number and x, y, and z components for each vertex. The *Element
section gives the 4 vertices in 2D (8 vertices in 3D) of each element in counter clockwise order. So in 2D the nodes are given as:
4 3 +-------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------+ 1 2
and in 3D they are given as:
8 7 +---------------------+ |\ |\ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | 5+---------------------+6 | | | | +----|----------------+ | 4\ | 3 \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \| \| +---------------------+ 1 2
This function reads a mesh from filename and returns an associated p4est connectivity.
[in] | filename | file to read the connectivity from |
int p4est_connectivity_read_inp_stream | ( | FILE * | stream, |
p4est_topidx_t * | num_vertices, | ||
p4est_topidx_t * | num_trees, | ||
double * | vertices, | ||
p4est_topidx_t * | tree_to_vertex | ||
) |
Read an ABAQUS input file from a file stream.
This utility function reads a basic ABAQUS file supporting element type with the prefix C2D4, CPS4, and S4 in 2D and of type C3D8 reading them as bilinear quadrilateral and trilinear hexahedral trees respectively.
A basic 2D mesh is given below. The *Node
section gives the vertex number and x, y, and z components for each vertex. The *Element
section gives the 4 vertices in 2D (8 vertices in 3D) of each element in counter clockwise order. So in 2D the nodes are given as:
4 3 +-------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-------------------+ 1 2
and in 3D they are given as:
8 7 +---------------------+ |\ |\ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | 5+---------------------+6 | | | | +----|----------------+ | 4\ | 3 \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \| \| +---------------------+ 1 2
This code can be called two ways. The first, when vertex==NULL
and tree_to_vertex==NULL
, is used to count the number of trees and vertices in the connectivity to be generated by the .inp mesh in the stream. The second, when
and tree_to_vertex!=NULL
, fill vertices
and tree_to_vertex
. In this case num_vertices
and num_trees
need to be set to the maximum number of entries allocated in vertices
and tree_to_vertex
[in,out] | stream | file stream to read the connectivity from |
[in,out] | num_vertices | the number of vertices in the connectivity |
[in,out] | num_trees | the number of trees in the connectivity |
[out] | vertices | the list of vertices of the connectivity |
[out] | tree_to_vertex | the tree_to_vertex map of the connectivity |
void p4est_connectivity_reduce | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn | ) |
Removes corner information of a connectivity such that enough information is left to run p4est_connectivity_complete successfully.
The reduced connectivity still passes p4est_connectivity_is_valid.
[in,out] | conn | The connectivity to be reduced. |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_refine | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn, |
int | num_per_dim | ||
) |
Uniformly refine a connectivity.
This is useful if you would like to uniformly refine by something other than a power of 2.
[in] | conn | A valid connectivity |
[in] | num_per_dim | The number of new trees in each direction. Must use no more than P4EST_OLD_QMAXLEVEL bits. |
void p4est_connectivity_reorder | ( | sc_MPI_Comm | comm, |
int | k, | ||
p4est_connectivity_t * | conn, | ||
p4est_connect_type_t | ctype | ||
) |
Reorder a connectivity using METIS.
.This function takes a connectivity conn and a parameter k, which will typically be the number of processes, and reorders the trees such that if every processes is assigned (num_trees / k) trees, the communication volume will be minimized. This is intended for use with connectivities that contain a large number of trees. This should be done BEFORE a p4est is created using the connectivity. This is done in place: any data structures that use indices to refer to trees before this procedure will be invalid. Note that this routine calls metis and not parmetis because the connectivity is copied on every process. A communicator is required because I'm not positive that metis is deterministic. ctype determines when an edge exist between two trees in the dual graph used by metis in the reordering.
[in] | comm | MPI communicator. |
[in] | k | if k > 0, the number of pieces metis will use to guide the reordering; if k = 0, the number of pieces will be determined from the MPI communicator. |
[in,out] | conn | connectivity that will be reordered. |
[in] | ctype | determines when an edge exists in the dual graph of the connectivity structure. |
sc_array_t * p4est_connectivity_reorder_newid | ( | sc_MPI_Comm | comm, |
int | k, | ||
p4est_connectivity_t * | conn, | ||
p4est_connect_type_t | ctype, | ||
sc_array_t * | newid | ||
) |
Reorder a connectivity using METIS.
.This is the same form as p4est_connectivity_reorder but it takes an initialized sc array newid as extra argument. In this way, the users can map old indices to new indices in the case it is necessary (for instance to retrieve high-order nodes previously stored in an array with old indices).
[in] | comm | MPI communicator. |
[in] | k | if k > 0, the number of pieces metis will use to guide the reordering; if k = 0, the number of pieces will be determined from the MPI communicator. |
[in,out] | conn | connectivity that will be reordered. |
[in] | ctype | determines when an edge exists in the dual graph of the connectivity structure. |
[in,out] | newid | array that maps old tree indices to new ones. newid has to be an sc_array and it has to be initialized (non-NULL) with element size of size_t (using sc_array_new (sizeof (size_t))). Input length arbitrary, output length modified. |
int p4est_connectivity_save | ( | const char * | filename, |
p4est_connectivity_t * | connectivity | ||
) |
Save a connectivity structure to disk.
[in] | filename | Name of the file to write. |
[in] | connectivity | Valid connectivity structure. |
void p4est_connectivity_set_attr | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn, |
size_t | bytes_per_tree | ||
) |
Allocate or free the attribute fields in a connectivity.
[in,out] | conn | The conn->*_to_attr fields must either be NULL or previously be allocated by this function. |
[in] | bytes_per_tree | If 0, tree_to_attr is freed (being NULL is ok). If positive, requested space is allocated. |
int p4est_connectivity_sink | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | conn, |
sc_io_sink_t * | sink | ||
) |
Write connectivity to a sink object.
[in] | conn | The connectivity to be written. |
[in,out] | sink | The connectivity is written into this sink. |
p4est_connectivity_t * p4est_connectivity_source | ( | sc_io_source_t * | source | ) |
Read connectivity from a source object.
[in,out] | source | The connectivity is read from this source. |
void p4est_expand_face_transform | ( | int | iface, |
int | nface, | ||
int | ftransform[] | ||
) |
Fill an array with the axis combination of a face neighbor transform.
[in] | iface | The number of the originating face. |
[in] | nface | Encoded as nface = r * 4 + nf, where nf = 0..3 is the neigbbor's connecting face number and r = 0..1 is the relative orientation to the neighbor's face. This encoding matches p4est_connectivity_t. |
[out] | ftransform | This array holds 9 integers. [0,2] The coordinate axis sequence of the origin face, the first referring to the tangential and the second to the normal. A permutation of (0, 1). [3,5] The coordinate axis sequence of the target face. [6,8] Face reversal flag for tangential axis (boolean); face code in [0, 3] for the normal coordinate q: 0: q' = -q 1: q' = q + 1 2: q' = q - 1 3: q' = 2 - q [1,4,7] 0 (unused for compatibility with 3D). |
void p4est_find_corner_transform | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | connectivity, |
p4est_topidx_t | itree, | ||
int | icorner, | ||
p4est_corner_info_t * | ci | ||
) |
Fills an array with information about corner neighbors.
[in] | connectivity | Connectivity structure. |
[in] | itree | The number of the originating tree. |
[in] | icorner | The number of the originating corner. |
[in,out] | ci | A p4est_corner_info_t structure with initialized array. |
p4est_topidx_t p4est_find_face_transform | ( | p4est_connectivity_t * | connectivity, |
p4est_topidx_t | itree, | ||
int | iface, | ||
int | ftransform[] | ||
) |
Fill an array with the axis combinations of a tree neighbor transform.
[in] | connectivity | Connectivity structure. |
[in] | itree | The number of the originating tree. |
[in] | iface | The number of the originating tree's face. |
[out] | ftransform | This array holds 9 integers. [0,2] The coordinate axis sequence of the origin face. [3,5] The coordinate axis sequence of the target face. [6,8] Face reversal flag for axis t; face code for axis n. |
void p4est_neighbor_transform_coordinates | ( | const p4est_neighbor_transform_t * | nt, |
const p4est_qcoord_t | self_coords[P4EST_DIM], | ||
p4est_qcoord_t | neigh_coords[P4EST_DIM] | ||
) |
Transform from self's coordinate system to neighbor's coordinate system.
[in] | nt | A neighbor transform. |
[in] | self_coords | Input quadrant coordinates in self coordinates. |
[out] | neigh_coords | Coordinates transformed into neighbor coordinates. |
void p4est_neighbor_transform_coordinates_reverse | ( | const p4est_neighbor_transform_t * | nt, |
const p4est_qcoord_t | neigh_coords[P4EST_DIM], | ||
p4est_qcoord_t | self_coords[P4EST_DIM] | ||
) |
Transform from neighbor's coordinate system to self's coordinate system.
[in] | nt | A neighbor transform. |
[in] | neigh_coords | Input quadrant coordinates in self coordinates. |
[out] | self_coords | Coordinates transformed into neighbor coordinates. |