p4est 2.8.6
p4est is a software library for parallel adaptive mesh refinement.
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
p8est_wrap.h File Reference

The logic in p8est_wrap encapsulates core p4est data structures and provides functions that clarify the mark-adapt-partition cycle. More...

#include <p8est_extended.h>
#include <sc_refcount.h>
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Data Structures

struct  p8est_wrap_params_t
 This structure contains the different parameters of wrap creation. More...
struct  p8est_wrap
struct  p8est_wrap_leaf


#define P8EST_LEAF_IS_FIRST_IN_TREE(wleaf)   ((wleaf)->which_quad == 0)
 Determine whether we have just entered a different tree.


typedef enum p8est_wrap_flags p8est_wrap_flags_t
typedef struct p8est_wrap p8est_wrap_t
typedef struct p8est_wrap_leaf p8est_wrap_leaf_t


enum  p8est_wrap_flags {
  P8EST_WRAP_REFINE = 0x01 ,


void p8est_wrap_params_init (p8est_wrap_params_t *params)
 Initialize a default p8est_wrap_params_t structure. More...
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_conn (sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_t *conn, int initial_level)
 Create a p8est wrapper from a given connectivity structure. More...
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_p8est (p8est_t *p8est, int hollow, p8est_connect_type_t btype, p8est_replace_t replace_fn, void *user_pointer)
 Create a wrapper for a given p8est structure. More...
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_p8est_params (p8est_t *p8est, p8est_wrap_params_t *params)
 Create a wrapper for a given p8est structure. More...
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_ext (sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_t *conn, int initial_level, int hollow, p8est_connect_type_t btype, p8est_replace_t replace_fn, void *user_pointer)
 Create a p8est wrapper from a given connectivity structure. More...
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_params (sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, p8est_connectivity_t *conn, int initial_level, p8est_wrap_params_t *params)
 Create a p8est wrapper from a given connectivity structure. More...
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_copy (p8est_wrap_t *source, size_t data_size, p8est_replace_t replace_fn, void *user_pointer)
 Create a p8est wrapper from an existing one. More...
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_unitcube (sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, int initial_level)
 Create p8est and auxiliary data structures. More...
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_rotwrap (sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, int initial_level)
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_brick (sc_MPI_Comm mpicomm, int bx, int by, int bz, int px, int py, int pz, int initial_level)
p8est_wrap_tp8est_wrap_new_world (int initial_level)
 Passes sc_MPI_COMM_WORLD to p8est_wrap_new_unitcube.
void p8est_wrap_destroy (p8est_wrap_t *pp)
void p8est_wrap_set_hollow (p8est_wrap_t *pp, int hollow)
 Change hollow status of the wrap. More...
void p8est_wrap_set_coarsen_delay (p8est_wrap_t *pp, int coarsen_delay, int coarsen_affect)
 Set a parameter that delays coarsening after adaptation. More...
void p8est_wrap_set_partitioning (p8est_wrap_t *pp, int partition_for_coarsening)
 Set a parameter that ensures future partitions allow one level of coarsening. More...
p8est_ghost_tp8est_wrap_get_ghost (p8est_wrap_t *pp)
 Return the appropriate ghost layer. More...
p8est_mesh_tp8est_wrap_get_mesh (p8est_wrap_t *pp)
 Return the appropriate mesh structure. More...
void p8est_wrap_mark_refine (p8est_wrap_t *pp, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_locidx_t which_quad)
 Mark a local element for refinement. More...
void p8est_wrap_mark_coarsen (p8est_wrap_t *pp, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p4est_locidx_t which_quad)
 Mark a local element for coarsening. More...
int p8est_wrap_adapt (p8est_wrap_t *pp)
 Call p8est_refine, coarsen, and balance to update pp->p8est. More...
int p8est_wrap_partition (p8est_wrap_t *pp, int weight_exponent, p4est_locidx_t *unchanged_first, p4est_locidx_t *unchanged_length, p4est_locidx_t *unchanged_old_first)
 Call p8est_partition for equal leaf distribution. More...
void p8est_wrap_complete (p8est_wrap_t *pp)
 Free memory for the intermediate mesh. More...
p8est_wrap_leaf_tp8est_wrap_leaf_first (p8est_wrap_t *pp, int track_mirrors)
p8est_wrap_leaf_tp8est_wrap_leaf_next (p8est_wrap_leaf_t *leaf)

Detailed Description

The logic in p8est_wrap encapsulates core p4est data structures and provides functions that clarify the mark-adapt-partition cycle.

There is also an element iterator that can replace the nested loops over trees and tree quadrants, respectively, which can help make application code cleaner.

Function Documentation

◆ p8est_wrap_adapt()

int p8est_wrap_adapt ( p8est_wrap_t pp)

Call p8est_refine, coarsen, and balance to update pp->p8est.

Checks pp->flags as per-quadrant input against p8est_wrap_flags_t. The pp->flags array is updated along with p8est and reset to zeros. Creates ghost_aux and mesh_aux to represent the intermediate mesh. If zlib is available, the routine checks whether coarsening and balancing the p8est canceled out and skips computing ghost_aux and mesh_aux when possible.

[in,out]ppThe p8est wrapper to work with, must not be hollow.
boolean whether p8est has changed. If true, partition must be called. If false, partition must not be called, and complete must not be called either.

◆ p8est_wrap_complete()

void p8est_wrap_complete ( p8est_wrap_t pp)

Free memory for the intermediate mesh.

Sets mesh_aux and ghost_aux to NULL. This function must be used if both refinement and partition effect changes. After this call, we are ready for another mark-refine-partition cycle.

[in,out]ppThe p8est wrapper to work with, must not be hollow.

◆ p8est_wrap_get_ghost()

p8est_ghost_t * p8est_wrap_get_ghost ( p8est_wrap_t pp)

Return the appropriate ghost layer.

This function is necessary since two versions may exist simultaneously after refinement and before partition/complete.

[in,out]ppThe p8est wrapper to work with, must not be hollow.

◆ p8est_wrap_get_mesh()

p8est_mesh_t * p8est_wrap_get_mesh ( p8est_wrap_t pp)

Return the appropriate mesh structure.

This function is necessary since two versions may exist simultaneously after refinement and before partition/complete.

[in,out]ppThe p8est wrapper to work with, must not be hollow.

◆ p8est_wrap_mark_coarsen()

void p8est_wrap_mark_coarsen ( p8est_wrap_t pp,
p4est_topidx_t  which_tree,
p4est_locidx_t  which_quad 

Mark a local element for coarsening.

This will cancel any refinement mark set previously for this element.

[in,out]ppThe p8est wrapper to work with, must not be hollow.
[in]which_treeThe number of the tree this element lives in.
[in]which_quadThe number of this element relative to its tree.

◆ p8est_wrap_mark_refine()

void p8est_wrap_mark_refine ( p8est_wrap_t pp,
p4est_topidx_t  which_tree,
p4est_locidx_t  which_quad 

Mark a local element for refinement.

This will cancel any coarsening mark set previously for this element.

[in,out]ppThe p8est wrapper to work with, must not be hollow.
[in]which_treeThe number of the tree this element lives in.
[in]which_quadThe number of this element relative to its tree.

◆ p8est_wrap_new_conn()

p8est_wrap_t * p8est_wrap_new_conn ( sc_MPI_Comm  mpicomm,
p8est_connectivity_t conn,
int  initial_level 

Create a p8est wrapper from a given connectivity structure.

The ghost and mesh members are initialized as well as the flags. The btype is set to P8EST_CONNECT_FULL. This function sets a subset of the wrap creation parameters. For full control use p8est_wrap_new_params.

[in]mpicommWe expect sc_MPI_Init to be called already.
[in]connConnectivity structure. Wrap takes ownership.
[in]initial_levelInitial level of uniform refinement.
A fully initialized p8est_wrap structure.

◆ p8est_wrap_new_copy()

p8est_wrap_t * p8est_wrap_new_copy ( p8est_wrap_t source,
size_t  data_size,
p8est_replace_t  replace_fn,
void *  user_pointer 

Create a p8est wrapper from an existing one.

This wrapper must be destroyed before the original one. We set it to hollow and copy the original p8est data structure.
[in,out]sourceWe access the source for debugging purposes.
[in]data_sizeThe data size installed in the copied forest.
[in]replace_fnCallback to replace quadrants during refinement, coarsening or balancing in p8est_wrap_adapt. May be NULL.
[in]user_pointerSet the user pointer in p8est_wrap_t. Subsequently, we will never access it.
A fully initialized p8est_wrap structure.

◆ p8est_wrap_new_ext()

p8est_wrap_t * p8est_wrap_new_ext ( sc_MPI_Comm  mpicomm,
p8est_connectivity_t conn,
int  initial_level,
int  hollow,
p8est_connect_type_t  btype,
p8est_replace_t  replace_fn,
void *  user_pointer 

Create a p8est wrapper from a given connectivity structure.

Like p8est_wrap_new_conn, but with extra parameters hollow and btype. This function sets a subset of the wrap creation parameters. For full control use p8est_wrap_new_params.

[in]mpicommWe expect sc_MPI_Init to be called already.
[in]connConnectivity structure. Wrap takes ownership.
[in]initial_levelInitial level of uniform refinement. No effect if less/equal to zero.
[in]hollowDo not allocate flags, ghost, and mesh members.
[in]btypeThe neighborhood used for balance, ghost, mesh.
[in]replace_fnCallback to replace quadrants during refinement, coarsening or balancing in p8est_wrap_adapt. May be NULL.
[in]user_pointerSet the user pointer in p8est_wrap_t. Subsequently, we will never access it.
A fully initialized p8est_wrap structure.

◆ p8est_wrap_new_p8est()

p8est_wrap_t * p8est_wrap_new_p8est ( p8est_t p8est,
int  hollow,
p8est_connect_type_t  btype,
p8est_replace_t  replace_fn,
void *  user_pointer 

Create a wrapper for a given p8est structure.

[in,out]p8estValid p8est object that we will own. We take ownership of its connectivity too. Its user pointer must be NULL and will be changed. Its data size will be set to 0 and the quadrant data will be freed.
[in]hollowDo not allocate flags, ghost, and mesh members.
[in]btypeThe neighborhood used for balance, ghost, mesh.
[in]replace_fnCallback to replace quadrants during refinement, coarsening or balancing in p8est_wrap_adapt. May be NULL.
[in]user_pointerSet the user pointer in p8est_wrap_t. Subsequently, we will never access it.
A fully initialized p8est_wrap structure.

◆ p8est_wrap_new_p8est_params()

p8est_wrap_t * p8est_wrap_new_p8est_params ( p8est_t p8est,
p8est_wrap_params_t params 

Create a wrapper for a given p8est structure.

Like p8est_wrap_new_p8est, but with params to completely control the wrap creation process.

[in,out]p8estValid p8est object that we will own. We take ownership of its connectivity too. Its user pointer must be NULL and will be changed. Its data size will be set to 0 and the quadrant data will be freed.
[in]paramsThe wrap creation parameters. If NULL, the function defaults to the parameters of p8est_wrap_params_init.
A fully initialized p4est_wrap structure.

◆ p8est_wrap_new_params()

p8est_wrap_t * p8est_wrap_new_params ( sc_MPI_Comm  mpicomm,
p8est_connectivity_t conn,
int  initial_level,
p8est_wrap_params_t params 

Create a p8est wrapper from a given connectivity structure.

Like p8est_wrap_new_conn, but with params to completely control the wrap creation process.

[in]mpicommWe expect sc_MPI_Init to be called already.
[in]connConnectivity structure. Wrap takes ownership.
[in]initial_levelInitial level of uniform refinement. No effect if less/equal to zero.
[in]paramsThe wrap creation parameters. If NULL, the function defaults to the parameters of p8est_wrap_params_init.
A fully initialized p8est_wrap structure.

◆ p8est_wrap_new_unitcube()

p8est_wrap_t * p8est_wrap_new_unitcube ( sc_MPI_Comm  mpicomm,
int  initial_level 

Create p8est and auxiliary data structures.

Expects sc_MPI_Init to be called beforehand.

◆ p8est_wrap_params_init()

void p8est_wrap_params_init ( p8est_wrap_params_t params)

Initialize a default p8est_wrap_params_t structure.

The parameters are set to create the most basic, hollow wrap structure.

◆ p8est_wrap_partition()

int p8est_wrap_partition ( p8est_wrap_t pp,
int  weight_exponent,
p4est_locidx_t unchanged_first,
p4est_locidx_t unchanged_length,
p4est_locidx_t unchanged_old_first 

Call p8est_partition for equal leaf distribution.

Frees the old ghost and mesh first and updates pp->flags along with p8est. Creates ghost and mesh to represent the new mesh.

[in,out]ppThe p8est wrapper to work with, must not be hollow.
[in]weight_exponentInteger weight assigned to each leaf according to 2 ** (level * exponent). Passing 0 assigns equal weight to all leaves. Passing 1 increases the leaf weight by a factor of two for each level increase. CURRENTLY ONLY 0 AND 1 ARE LEGAL VALUES.
[out]unchanged_firstIf not NULL, is assigned the processor-local index of the first local quadrant that has stayed on this processor. If no quadrant has stayed, the value is set to zero. This number is in reference to the new (output) partition.
[out]unchanged_lengthIf not NULL, is assigned the number of quadrants that have stayed on this processor. If no quadrant has stayed, the value is set to zero.
[out]unchanged_old_firstIf not NULL, is assigned the processor-local index of the first local quadrant that has stayed with reference to the old (input) partition. If no quadrant has stayed, the value is set to zero.
boolean whether p8est has changed. If true, complete must be called. If false, complete must not be called.

◆ p8est_wrap_set_coarsen_delay()

void p8est_wrap_set_coarsen_delay ( p8est_wrap_t pp,
int  coarsen_delay,
int  coarsen_affect 

Set a parameter that delays coarsening after adaptation.

If positive each quadrant counts the number of adaptations it has survived. Calling this function initializes all quadrant counters to zero. On adaptation we only coarsen a quadrant if it is old enough. Optionally, we can also delay the time between subsequent coarsenings.

[in,out]ppA valid p8est_wrap structure.
[in]coarsen_delaySet how many adaptation cycles a quadrant has to wait to be allowed to coarsen. Non-negative number; 0 disables the feature. Suggested default value: not larger than 2.
[in]coarsen_affectBoolean; If true, we not only count from the most recent refinement but also between subsequent coarsenings. Suggested default: 0.

◆ p8est_wrap_set_hollow()

void p8est_wrap_set_hollow ( p8est_wrap_t pp,
int  hollow 

Change hollow status of the wrap.

It is legal to set to the current hollow status.

[in,out]ppThe present wrap structure, hollow or not.
[in]hollowThe desired hollow status.

◆ p8est_wrap_set_partitioning()

void p8est_wrap_set_partitioning ( p8est_wrap_t pp,
int  partition_for_coarsening 

Set a parameter that ensures future partitions allow one level of coarsening.

The partition_for_coarsening parameter is passed to p8est_partition_ext in p8est_wrap_partition. If not zero, all future calls to p8est_wrap_partition will partition in a manner that allows one level of coarsening. This function does not automatically repartition the mesh, when switching partition_for_coarsening to a non-zero value.

[in,out]ppA valid p8est_wrap structure.
[in]partition_for_coarseningBoolean: If true, all future partitions of the wrap allow one level of coarsening. Suggested default: 1.