p4est 2.8.6
p4est is a software library for parallel adaptive mesh refinement.
p8est_algorithms.h File Reference

Routines for managing quadrants as elements of trees and subtrees. More...

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sc_mempool_t * p8est_quadrant_mempool_new (void)
 Create a memory pool for quadrants that initializes compiler padding. More...
void p8est_quadrant_init_data (p8est_t *p8est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p8est_quadrant_t *quad, p8est_init_t init_fn)
 Alloc and initialize the user data of a valid quadrant. More...
void p8est_quadrant_free_data (p8est_t *p8est, p8est_quadrant_t *quad)
 Free the user data of a valid quadrant. More...
unsigned p8est_quadrant_checksum (sc_array_t *quadrants, sc_array_t *checkarray, size_t first_quadrant)
 Computes a machine-independent checksum of a list of quadrants. More...
int p8est_quadrant_in_range (const p8est_quadrant_t *fd, const p8est_quadrant_t *ld, const p8est_quadrant_t *quadrant)
 Report whether a quadrant fits into the limits of a quadrant range. More...
int p8est_tree_is_sorted (p8est_tree_t *tree)
 Test if a tree is sorted in Morton ordering. More...
int p8est_tree_is_linear (p8est_tree_t *tree)
 Test if a tree is sorted in Morton ordering and linear. More...
int p8est_tree_is_complete (p8est_tree_t *tree)
 Test if a tree is sorted in Morton ordering and complete. More...
int p8est_tree_is_almost_sorted (p8est_tree_t *tree, int check_linearity)
 Check if a tree is sorted/linear except across edges or corners. More...
void p8est_tree_print (int log_priority, p8est_tree_t *tree)
 Print the quadrants in a tree. More...
int p8est_is_equal (p8est_t *p8est1, p8est_t *p8est2, int compare_data)
 Locally check forest/connectivity structures for equality. More...
int p8est_is_valid (p8est_t *p8est)
 Check a forest for validity and allreduce the result. More...
void p8est_tree_compute_overlap (p8est_t *p8est, sc_array_t *in, sc_array_t *out, p8est_connect_type_t balance, sc_array_t *borders, sc_array_t *inseeds)
 Compute the overlap of a number of insulation layers with a tree. More...
void p8est_tree_uniqify_overlap (sc_array_t *out)
 Gets the reduced representation of the overlap that results from using p8est_tree_compute_overlap_new. More...
size_t p8est_tree_remove_nonowned (p8est_t *p8est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree)
 Removes quadrants that are outside the owned tree boundaries from a tree. More...
void p8est_complete_region (p8est_t *p8est, const p8est_quadrant_t *q1, int include_q1, const p8est_quadrant_t *q2, int include_q2, p8est_tree_t *tree, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p8est_init_t init_fn)
 Constructs a minimal linear octree between two octants. More...
void p8est_complete_subtree (p8est_t *p8est, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p8est_init_t init_fn)
 Completes a sorted tree within a p8est. More...
void p8est_balance_subtree (p8est_t *p8est, p8est_connect_type_t btype, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p8est_init_t init_fn)
 Balances a sorted tree within a p8est. More...
void p8est_balance_border (p8est_t *p8est, p8est_connect_type_t btype, p4est_topidx_t which_tree, p8est_init_t init_fn, p8est_replace_t replace_fn, sc_array_t *borders)
size_t p8est_linearize_tree (p8est_t *p8est, p8est_tree_t *tree)
 Remove overlaps from a sorted list of quadrants. More...
p4est_locidx_t p8est_partition_correction (p4est_gloidx_t *partition, int num_procs, int rank, p4est_gloidx_t min_quadrant_id, p4est_gloidx_t max_quadrant_id)
 Compute correction of partition for a process. More...
p4est_gloidx_t p8est_partition_for_coarsening (p8est_t *p8est, p4est_locidx_t *num_quadrants_in_proc)
 Correct partition counters to allow one level of coarsening. More...
int p8est_next_nonempty_process (int rank, int num_procs, p4est_locidx_t *num_quadrants_in_proc)
 Find next non-empty process. More...
p4est_gloidx_t p8est_partition_given (p8est_t *p8est, const p4est_locidx_t *num_quadrants_in_proc)
 Partition p8est given the number of quadrants per proc. More...
int p8est_quadrant_on_face_boundary (p8est_t *p4est, p4est_topidx_t treeid, int face, const p8est_quadrant_t *q)
 Checks if a quadrant's face is on the boundary of the forest. More...

Detailed Description

Routines for managing quadrants as elements of trees and subtrees.

In addition, some high level algorithms such as p4est_partition_given.

Function Documentation

◆ p8est_balance_subtree()

void p8est_balance_subtree ( p8est_t p8est,
p8est_connect_type_t  btype,
p4est_topidx_t  which_tree,
p8est_init_t  init_fn 

Balances a sorted tree within a p8est.

It may have exterior quadrants. The completed tree will have only owned quadrants and no overlap.

[in,out]p8estThe p8est to work on.
[in]btypeThe balance type (face, edge or corner).
[in]which_treeThe 0-based index of the subtree to balance.
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data which is already allocated automatically.

◆ p8est_complete_region()

void p8est_complete_region ( p8est_t p8est,
const p8est_quadrant_t q1,
int  include_q1,
const p8est_quadrant_t q2,
int  include_q2,
p8est_tree_t tree,
p4est_topidx_t  which_tree,
p8est_init_t  init_fn 

Constructs a minimal linear octree between two octants.

This is algorithm 2 from H. Sundar, R.S. Sampath and G. Biros with the additional improvements that we do not require sorting and the runtime is O(N).

q1 < q2 in the Morton ordering.
[in]p8estUsed for the memory pools and quadrant init.
[in]q1First input quadrant. Data init'ed if included.
[in]include_q1Flag to specify whether q1 is included.
[in]q2Second input quadrant. Data init'ed if included.
[in]include_q2Flag to specify whether q2 is included.
[out]treeInitialized tree with zero elements.
[in]which_treeThe 0-based index of tree which is needed for the p8est_quadrant_init_data routine.
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data which is already allocated automatically.

◆ p8est_complete_subtree()

void p8est_complete_subtree ( p8est_t p8est,
p4est_topidx_t  which_tree,
p8est_init_t  init_fn 

Completes a sorted tree within a p8est.

It may have exterior quadrants. The completed tree will have only owned quadrants and no overlap. Note that the tree's counters (quadrants_per_level, maxlevel) must be correct for the quadrants in the incoming tree.

[in,out]p8estThe p8est to work on.
[in]which_treeThe 0-based index of the subtree to complete.
[in]init_fnCallback function to initialize the user_data which is already allocated automatically.

◆ p8est_is_equal()

int p8est_is_equal ( p8est_t p8est1,
p8est_t p8est2,
int  compare_data 

Locally check forest/connectivity structures for equality.

[in]p8est1The first forest to be compared.
[in]p8est2The second forest to be compared.
[in]compare_dataAlso check if quadrant data are identical.
Returns true if forests and their connectivities are equal.

◆ p8est_is_valid()

int p8est_is_valid ( p8est_t p8est)

Check a forest for validity and allreduce the result.

Some properties of a valid forest are: the quadrant counters are consistent all trees are complete all non-local trees are empty This function is collective! It is also relatively expensive, so its use in production should be limited.

[in]p8estThe forest to be tested. Itself and its connectivity must be non-NULL.
Returns true if valid, false otherwise.

◆ p8est_linearize_tree()

size_t p8est_linearize_tree ( p8est_t p8est,
p8est_tree_t tree 

Remove overlaps from a sorted list of quadrants.

This is algorithm 8 from H. Sundar, R.S. Sampath and G. Biros with the additional improvement that it works in-place.

[in]p8estused for the memory pool and quadrant free.
[in,out]treeA sorted tree to be linearized in-place.
Returns the number of removed quadrants.

◆ p8est_next_nonempty_process()

int p8est_next_nonempty_process ( int  rank,
int  num_procs,
p4est_locidx_t num_quadrants_in_proc 

Find next non-empty process.

Finds the next process id >= rank which is not empty according to num_quadrants_in_proc.

[in]rankprocess id where search starts
[in]num_procnumber of processes
[in]num_quadrants_in_procnumber of quadrants for each process
process id of a non empty process

◆ p8est_partition_correction()

p4est_locidx_t p8est_partition_correction ( p4est_gloidx_t partition,
int  num_procs,
int  rank,
p4est_gloidx_t  min_quadrant_id,
p4est_gloidx_t  max_quadrant_id 

Compute correction of partition for a process.

The correction denotes how many quadrants the process with id rank takes from (if correction positive) or gives to (if correction negative) the previous process with id rank-1 in order to assign a family of quadrants to one process. The process with the highest number of quadrants of a family gets all quadrants belonging to this family from other processes. If this applies to several processes, then the process with the lowest id gets the quadrants. A process can give more quadrants than it owns, if it passes quadrants from other processes.

[in]partitionfirst global quadrant index for each process (+1)
[in]num_procsnumber of processes
[in]rankprocess id for which correction is computed
[in]min_quadrant_idminimal global quadrant index of family
[in]max_quadrant_idmaximal global quadrant index of family
correction for process rank

◆ p8est_partition_for_coarsening()

p4est_gloidx_t p8est_partition_for_coarsening ( p8est_t p8est,
p4est_locidx_t num_quadrants_in_proc 

Correct partition counters to allow one level of coarsening.

No quadrants are actually shipped, just the desired number is updated. This function guarantees that empty processors remain empty. This function is collective and acts as a synchronization point.

[in]p8estforest whose partition is corrected
[in,out]num_quadrants_in_procpartition that will be corrected
total absolute number of moved quadrants. In practice, at most a small number per processor.

◆ p8est_partition_given()

p4est_gloidx_t p8est_partition_given ( p8est_t p8est,
const p4est_locidx_t num_quadrants_in_proc 

Partition p8est given the number of quadrants per proc.

Given the desired number of quadrants per proc num_quadrants_in_proc the forest p8est is partitioned.

[in,out]p8estthe forest that is partitioned.
[in]num_quadrants_in_procan integer array of the number of quadrants desired per processor.
Returns the global count of shipped quadrants.

◆ p8est_quadrant_checksum()

unsigned p8est_quadrant_checksum ( sc_array_t *  quadrants,
sc_array_t *  checkarray,
size_t  first_quadrant 

Computes a machine-independent checksum of a list of quadrants.

[in]quadrantsArray of quadrants.
[in,out]checkarrayTemporary array of elem_size 4. Will be resized to quadrants->elem_count * 3. If it is NULL, will be allocated internally.
[in]first_quadrantIndex of the quadrant to start with. Can be between 0 and elem_count (inclusive).

◆ p8est_quadrant_free_data()

void p8est_quadrant_free_data ( p8est_t p8est,
p8est_quadrant_t quad 

Free the user data of a valid quadrant.

[in,out]quadThe quadrant whose data shall be freed.

◆ p8est_quadrant_in_range()

int p8est_quadrant_in_range ( const p8est_quadrant_t fd,
const p8est_quadrant_t ld,
const p8est_quadrant_t quadrant 

Report whether a quadrant fits into the limits of a quadrant range.

The range's boundaries are determined by its first and last descendant. Such descendants are for example stored in each tree of a p8est_t.

[in]fdFirst descendant quadrant of a range. Thus its level must be P8EST_QMAXLEVEL. Must be valid, its data is ignored.
[in]ldLast descendant quadrant of a range. Thus it must not be smaller than fd and its level must be P8EST_QMAXLEVEL. Must be valid, its data is ignored.
[in]quadrantQuadrant checked to be fully inside the range. Must at least be extended, its data is ignored.
True if and only if quadrant is contained in range.
See also

◆ p8est_quadrant_init_data()

void p8est_quadrant_init_data ( p8est_t p8est,
p4est_topidx_t  which_tree,
p8est_quadrant_t quad,
p8est_init_t  init_fn 

Alloc and initialize the user data of a valid quadrant.

[in]which_tree0-based index of this quadrant's tree.
[in,out]quadThe quadrant to be initialized.
[in]init_fnUser-supplied callback function to init data.

◆ p8est_quadrant_mempool_new()

sc_mempool_t * p8est_quadrant_mempool_new ( void  )

Create a memory pool for quadrants that initializes compiler padding.

Initialized mempool with zero_and_persist setting.

◆ p8est_quadrant_on_face_boundary()

int p8est_quadrant_on_face_boundary ( p8est_t p4est,
p4est_topidx_t  treeid,
int  face,
const p8est_quadrant_t q 

Checks if a quadrant's face is on the boundary of the forest.

[in]p8estThe forest in which to search for q
[in]treeidThe tree to which q belongs.
[in]qThe quadrant that is in question.
[in]faceThe face of the quadrant that is in question.
true if the quadrant's face is on the boundary of the forest and false otherwise.

◆ p8est_tree_compute_overlap()

void p8est_tree_compute_overlap ( p8est_t p8est,
sc_array_t *  in,
sc_array_t *  out,
p8est_connect_type_t  balance,
sc_array_t *  borders,
sc_array_t *  inseeds 

Compute the overlap of a number of insulation layers with a tree.

Every quadrant out of the insulation layer of the quadrants in in except the quadrant itself is checked for overlap of quadrants from all trees that are smaller by at least two levels and thus can cause a split. Those elements that cause a split (as determined by the p8est_balance_*_test routines) create quadrants in out that will reproduce those splits when in is balanced. Note: Use this version if you are using less than full balance.

[in]p4estThe p8est to work on.
[in]inA piggy-sorted linear list of quadrants. The piggy2->from_tree member must be set.
[in,out]outA piggy-sorted subset of tree->quadrants.
[in]balanceThe type of balance condition that should be enforced.
[in]bordersArray of arrays of tree border elements: if not NULL, this will be used to fill out.
[in]inseedsThe seeds that in generates locally.

◆ p8est_tree_is_almost_sorted()

int p8est_tree_is_almost_sorted ( p8est_tree_t tree,
int  check_linearity 

Check if a tree is sorted/linear except across edges or corners.

[in]check_linearityBoolean for additional check for linearity.
Returns true if almost sorted/linear, false otherwise.

◆ p8est_tree_is_complete()

int p8est_tree_is_complete ( p8est_tree_t tree)

Test if a tree is sorted in Morton ordering and complete.

Returns true if complete, false otherwise.
Complete means that the tree has no holes and no overlaps.

◆ p8est_tree_is_linear()

int p8est_tree_is_linear ( p8est_tree_t tree)

Test if a tree is sorted in Morton ordering and linear.

Returns true if linear, false otherwise.
Linear means that the tree has no overlaps.

◆ p8est_tree_is_sorted()

int p8est_tree_is_sorted ( p8est_tree_t tree)

Test if a tree is sorted in Morton ordering.

Returns true if sorted, false otherwise.
Duplicate quadrants are not allowed.

◆ p8est_tree_print()

void p8est_tree_print ( int  log_priority,
p8est_tree_t tree 

Print the quadrants in a tree.

Prints one line per quadrant with x, y, level and a string. The string denotes the relation to the previous quadrant and can be: Fn for the first quadrant in the tree with child id n I for identical quadrants R for a quadrant that with smaller Morton index Cn for child id n Sn for sibling with child id n D for a descendant Nn for a next quadrant in the tree with no holes in between and child id n qn for a general quadrant whose child id is n

[in]treeAny (possibly incomplete, unsorted) tree to be printed.

◆ p8est_tree_remove_nonowned()

size_t p8est_tree_remove_nonowned ( p8est_t p8est,
p4est_topidx_t  which_tree 

Removes quadrants that are outside the owned tree boundaries from a tree.

[in,out]p8estThe p8est to work on.
[in]which_treeIndex to a sorted owned tree in the p8est.
Returns the number of removed quadrants.

◆ p8est_tree_uniqify_overlap()

void p8est_tree_uniqify_overlap ( sc_array_t *  out)

Gets the reduced representation of the overlap that results from using p8est_tree_compute_overlap_new.

[in,out]outA piggy-sorted subset of tree->quadrants.