p4est 2.8.6
p4est is a software library for parallel adaptive mesh refinement.
▼Cp2est_quadrant | A 1D quadrant datatype: this is used to encode a "layer" of a column in the 2D+1D AMR scheme |
Cp6est_quadrant_data | |
Cp4est | The p4est forest datatype |
Cp4est_connectivity | This structure holds the 2D inter-tree connectivity information |
Cp4est_corner_info_t | Information about the neighbors of a corner |
Cp4est_corner_transform_t | Generic interface for transformations between a tree and any of its corner |
Cp4est_geometry | Encapsulates a custom transformation from tree-local coordinates to user defined physical space |
Cp4est_ghost_exchange | Transient storage for asynchronous ghost exchange |
Cp4est_ghost_t | Quadrants that neighbor the local domain |
▼Cp4est_hang2 | Store a hanging node that depends on two independent nodes |
Cp4est_hang2_data | |
▼Cp4est_indep | Store an independent node |
Cp4est_indep_data | |
Cp4est_inspect | Data pertaining to selecting, inspecting, and profiling algorithms |
Cp4est_iter_corner_info | The information that is available to the user-defined p4est_iter_corner_t callback |
Cp4est_iter_corner_side | Information about one side of a corner in the forest |
Cp4est_iter_face_info | The information that is available to the user-defined p4est_iter_face_t callback |
▼Cp4est_iter_face_side | Information about one side of a face in the forest |
Cp4est_iter_face_side_data | |
Cp4est_iter_volume_info | The information that is available to the user-defined p4est_iter_volume_t callback function |
Cp4est_lnodes | Store a parallel numbering of Lobatto points of a given degree > 0 |
Cp4est_lnodes_buffer | P4est_lnodes_buffer_t handles the communication of data associated with nodes |
Cp4est_lnodes_rank | The structure stored in the sharers array |
Cp4est_mesh_face_neighbor_t | This structure can be used as the status of a face neighbor iterator |
Cp4est_mesh_params_t | This structure contains the different parameters of mesh creation |
Cp4est_mesh_t | This structure contains complete mesh information on a 2:1 balanced forest |
Cp4est_neighbor_transform_t | Generic interface for transformations between a tree and any of its neighbors |
Cp4est_nodes | This structure holds complete parallel node information |
▼Cp4est_quadrant | The 2D quadrant datatype |
Cp4est_quadrant_data | |
Cp4est_transfer_context | Context data to allow for split begin/end data transfer |
Cp4est_tree | The p4est tree datatype |
Cp4est_wrap | |
Cp4est_wrap_leaf | |
Cp4est_wrap_params_t | This structure contains the different parameters of wrap creation |
Cp6est | The p6est forest datatype |
Cp6est_connectivity | This structure holds the 2D+1D inter-tree connectivity information |
Cp6est_ghost | Columns of layers that neighbor the local domain |
Cp6est_profile | |
Cp8est | The p8est forest datatype |
Cp8est_connectivity | This structure holds the 3D inter-tree connectivity information |
Cp8est_corner_info_t | Information about the neighbors of a corner |
Cp8est_corner_transform_t | Generic interface for transformations between a tree and any of its corner |
Cp8est_edge_info_t | Information about the neighbors of an edge |
Cp8est_edge_transform_t | Generic interface for transformations between a tree and any of its edge |
Cp8est_geometry | This structure can be created by the user, p4est will never change its contents |
Cp8est_ghost_exchange | Transient storage for asynchronous ghost exchange |
Cp8est_ghost_t | Quadrants that neighbor the local domain |
▼Cp8est_hang2 | Store a hanging node that depends on two independent nodes |
Cp8est_hang2_data | |
▼Cp8est_hang4 | Store a hanging node that depends on four independent nodes |
Cp8est_hang4_data | |
▼Cp8est_indep | Store an independent node |
Cp4est_indep_data | |
Cp8est_inspect | |
Cp8est_iter_corner_info | The information that is available to the user-defined p8est_iter_corner_t callback |
Cp8est_iter_corner_side | |
Cp8est_iter_edge_info | The information about all sides of an edge in the forest |
▼Cp8est_iter_edge_side | |
Cp8est_iter_edge_side_data | |
Cp8est_iter_face_info | The information that is available to the user-defined p8est_iter_face_t callback |
▼Cp8est_iter_face_side | Information about one side of a face in the forest |
Cp8est_iter_face_side_data | |
Cp8est_iter_volume_info | The information that is available to the user-defined p8est_iter_volume_t callback function |
Cp8est_lnodes | Store a parallel numbering of Lobatto points of a given degree > 0 |
Cp8est_lnodes_buffer | P8est_lnodes_buffer_t handles the communication of data associated with nodes |
Cp8est_lnodes_rank | The structure stored in the sharers array |
Cp8est_mesh_face_neighbor_t | This structure can be used as the status of a face neighbor iterator |
Cp8est_mesh_params_t | This structure contains the different parameters of mesh creation |
Cp8est_mesh_t | This structure contains complete mesh information on a 2:1 balanced forest |
Cp8est_neighbor_transform_t | Generic interface for transformations between a tree and any of its neighbors |
Cp8est_nodes | This structure holds complete parallel node information |
▼Cp8est_quadrant | The 3D quadrant (i.e., octant) datatype |
Cp8est_quadrant_data | |
Cp8est_tets | |
Cp8est_transfer_context | Context data to allow for split begin/end data transfer |
Cp8est_tree | The p8est tree datatype |
Cp8est_wrap | |
Cp8est_wrap_leaf | |
Cp8est_wrap_params_t | This structure contains the different parameters of wrap creation |