p4est 2.8.6
p4est is a software library for parallel adaptive mesh refinement.
Data Structures | Data Fields
p8est_hang2 Struct Reference

Store a hanging node that depends on two independent nodes. More...

#include <p8est_nodes.h>

Collaboration diagram for p8est_hang2:
Collaboration graph

Data Structures

union  p8est_hang2_data

Data Fields

p4est_qcoord_t x
p4est_qcoord_t y
p4est_qcoord_t z
int8_t level
int8_t pad8
int16_t pad16
union p8est_hang2::p8est_hang2_data p

Detailed Description

Store a hanging node that depends on two independent nodes.

Keep this in sync with the p8est_t data structure.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: