p4est 2020 HCM Summer School: Monday

We are organizing a p4est summer school sponsored by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics at the University of Bonn, Germany. Please see also the school's home page and application forms.

Slot 11: Welcome and introduction (video)

Carsten Burstedde (local chair, organizer, speaker)
Tobin Isaac (co-organizer, speaker)
Donna Calhoun (speaker)

We would like to begin by welcoming y'all to our online event. The organizers CB, LW and ToI have written nearly all of the p4est code, which came to life on Friday, November 23rd, 2007. We think it is due time to share our perspectives on the code, inside information on algorithms and concepts, and guidance on its use and extension with our growing user base.

DC and TiH have contributed a lot to other software libraries that rely on p4est for scalable adaptivity, namely ForestClaw and deal.II. They will share knowledge on their respective favorite codes and how these interface to p4est and exploit the potential of dynamic adaptive mesh refinement (AMR).

This session is meant as a brief meet and greet and to give an overview of our schedule and the nature of our tutorials.

Slot 12: A brief tour of p4est (video)


p4est is a software library that implements parallel algorithms and data structures that are efficient and convenient to enable dynamic tree-based adaptive mesh refinement (AMR).

This session highlights some core concepts, design choices and functionalities. Using some of our builtin algorithms, new users can quickly learn to create adaptive meshes and to manipulate them in parallel.

We will also hint at some basic logical concepts and further material for self study. We close with pointing at exercises that we encourage to work on until the Tuesday lectures. The next lecture of this set will focus more on theory and in-depth discussion.

Slot 13: p4est and PETSc, part I


Toby will talk about using p4est as mesh backend for PETSC-based simulations. PETSc is a well-known parallel linear algebra and solver toolkit used for developing large-scale simulations around the world. This is the first session out of three on the topic.